Chapter 72

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Spencer's POV:

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Spencer's POV:

It's now been 8 weeks since Auggie and Camilla went missing. I've tried everything to learn where those men took my family. I know they took them. They're the only men who are still alive.

The whole team has been working tirelessly to find them. I've poured over case files, desperation and fear threatening to overwhelm me every second of the day. I push back from the round table, running my hands over my face.

This is all useless. But I need to get back to it. It's not until I hear screaming that I actually take a break.

  "What did you do to my daddy?!" I hear his tiny voice scream before he kicks Hotch in the shin. I see Hotch wince. Yeah, for a small kid he does have one hell of a kick. He punches at Hotch's leg.

My heart seizes when I see a mop of brown curls peer up at me. He's screaming and growling until I pick him up, wrapping my arms around him to get him to stop."Oh my god." I mumble. "Auggie! Auggie I'm right here. Y-You have to stop so we can help Mommy."

Auggie hiccups, still crying from all the trauma he's probably endured, panting hard and he hangs limp in my arms after exhausting himself. "B-bad men took us. But I-I got away like M-Mommy said. Down." he lands on his feet as I set him down. I bend down as well, looking into his teary eyes. "They made her Sadness." He cries, wiping his face angrily and stomping his little foot.

I hold him tighter, beyond relieved that he's unharmed, but knowing that Camilla is awfully hurt. I know that when things get really bad, Auggie needs to communicate how one or the other is feeling and he uses that by saying the names of the characters from Inside Out. "You were so brave," I soothe, rubbing Auggie's back gently. In this moment, nothing else matters besides my son in my arms. I pepper his face with kisses until the tears start slowing. "But, why is she sadness, buddy?"

  "Th-they scare her. And she locked away and go away!" He cries angrily.

  "When did she get sadness? Who made her sadness, Auggie?" I urge him to go on, learning more of her truth even if it's not from her.

  "Sh-she was sadness always when we were there. Bu-but it got worse because of those bad guys! Mommy got hurt real bad by them so she told me...if it happened again I would have to run." the look in his teary eyes make me pause. "They made her sadness and now she's never gonna wake up!" He cries, wiping his face angrily, stomping his little foot and I am taken aback.

  "Auggie, who made her sadness?"

  "When- when she pick me up from daycare. There was a bad man there. They all scared mommy, so much that she tried to get away. I wasn't to get hurt..." He rubs his eyes and e all stay silent, needing him to continue, "They hurt her so we had to hide. They said they were your friends. Now she is scare again and the sadness is w-worse!"

  "My friends? Y-you mean the bad guys that scared you that one time?" It's almost like I can feel everyone tense behind me, ready for anything and it slowly starts to come together.

Auggie looks up at me, his hands shaking a bit and got I'm willing everything inside me not to break at the sight of my son like this. This wrecked.

  "You have some really mean friends, daddy." 


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