Chapter 17

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*Author note: Thank you to all who have been reading this! And thank you to the people who have been starring some of the chapters it really helps! 

*Author note: Thank you to all who have been reading this! And thank you to the people who have been starring some of the chapters it really helps! 

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I can't do this. "Spencer expects me to wear this," I refer to the expensive, flashy dress, "When did I even buy this? I had to have been black-out drunk."

I look at Auggie sitting on my bed, playing with my phone. I don't even know why I'm talking to him because he could care less, and he's also fully absorbed in whatever game he's playing, but I'm desperate to complain.

I don't know if it's an all-black tie affair or if we can arrive in color. The only reason I'm wearing this thing is because the other dresses I have are either too short or too exposing, and I don't want to be stared at like I'm the virgin in a whore house. And the free food, of course. The free food bargain was too tempting.

  "I look like I'm going to a damn funeral," I hold the dress to my body as I look in the mirror at the dark color, still talking to Auggie. "Can you believe what he's putting me through? He's crazy." he still doesn't answer, "How helpful you are." I say.

The party for this starts in a few hours, but I have to get down to Reid's apartment to help him tie a tie. I walk out of my bedroom, following into the kitchen's wood flooring. As I step out, I smooth down the non-existent ripples in the dress's fabric.

I look down at my heels, seeing Auggie follow me out of the room. He doesn't look at me as he pulls out a chair near the kitchen island, hinting that he's hungry.

  "Alright, alright," I say. I grab a bag of bread and put two slices in the toaster. I walk over to one of the cabinets and grab the jar of Nutella and a browning banana from the fruit bowl. "Do you ever get tired of Nutella? It can't be that good." I grab the hot slices of toast out of the toaster, spread the Nutella on, and plop some slices of banana down on top

  "Never tired, momma," he says as he returns my phone. His head drops to the palms of his hands, and he comments, "So beautiful!"

  "Thank you, peanut. Well, be good for your babysitter," I say, glancing at the sixteen-year-old who just entered through the front door, "I'll be back soon. Don't answer the door for anyone unless they say the secret password."

I kiss his head quickly before heading out the front door. I close and shut it behind me, locking it with my keys before walking to my car. I latch my hand onto the black handle, unlocking and opening the door. I still can't wrap my head around agreeing to this two days ago.

The drive to Reid's apartment isn't far. I'm already there, not even 30 minutes later. "Just the woman I wanted to see," I hear a voice when I exit my vehicle, looking over to see Reid in a lovely black tux. Damn. "Can you help?" he asks, holding his tie.

 "Can you help?" he asks, holding his tie

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