Chapter 5

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  *Read this before reading: There is a depiction of blood/gore and sexual material in this chapter so do be warned and cautious going into it. Take care of yourself before anything else*

 Take care of yourself before anything else*

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  "Please, please don't kill me!"

God, this man is annoying the shit out of me, and I'm completely drained of patience with him and this non-stop migraine.

It was effortless to break into Mr. Vincints house, especially since he is alone. There are pictures on his walls and on the mantle of his fireplace of his kids. I see no wife in the pictures except for maybe two, and there's no ring on either of his hands, so I'm guessing he's divorced. I'm glad this isn't his weekend with the kids, and I pray that he hasn't taken advantage of them.

Although I decide to focus on my job, kill Louis Vincent, and get it over with, I'm overthinking. He's currently tied up in a chair in the middle of his study room, and I'm sitting on his couch before I can kill him.

He's ugly-crying and trying to get loose from the thick rope around his wrists, but there is no way he can get out. I'm good at tying people up; it always comes in handy.

His house is a lovely two-story ranch in a picture-perfect white picket fence neighborhood and wasn't that far from the restaurant I just drove from, and this is a beautiful place for someone about to be sent to jail.

The cars around this neighborhood are BMWs or Mercedes, far better than the black Tesla parked beside my motorcycle.

But people around this city may be wealthier than I expected. I honestly don't know, but I'm already taking too long, and I'll have to gag him if he keeps up this toddler bawling.

It was easy for me to sneak into his house through the backdoor, a little too easy. All the lights were off except for the small lamp in his living room, and he was watching some documentary about whales on his computer when I came up from behind him and held him in a chokehold until he passed out.

He's a heavy son of a bitch, but I managed to tie him up, and now we're here.

  "Please! I'll give you whatever you want! Why are you doing this?"

Louis's screams are getting a little too loud, which is terrible. It's going to draw attention. I'm being extra careful tonight. I have my leather gloves on and haven't touched anything he owns except for the chair. I decide to reach for the knife tucked inside my boot.

I walk closer until I'm standing right behind Louis, ignoring his pleas, when I roughly grab his hair and pull his head back, putting the knife right against the skin on his throat. "Do you know what I don't like about you, Louis?"

  "I-I don't know."

  "Everything. I don't like child molesters or people that enjoy watching child porn and get off on it. I want to kill you right now to get another piece of scum out of this world, but you'd be going too easily."

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