Chapter 26

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The minute I wake up, a smug smirk is presenting itself on my lips but soon falters as I hear the sound of Auggie screaming at the top of his lungs

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The minute I wake up, a smug smirk is presenting itself on my lips but soon falters as I hear the sound of Auggie screaming at the top of his lungs. I won't lie and say I didn't have every intention of teasing Camilla about what happened last night but it is put on hold.

August is sobbing, attached to his mother's leg, desperately trying to get her attention as she attempts to make him breakfast. She stands in the kitchen, a white t-shirt and athletic shorts. Her lips are pressed into a straight line, clearly trying to keep her calm as she's chopping up strawberries into hearts. "Monkey, please. I will cuddle you in a second just please get off my leg mommy can't move with you on it." She pleads with her son, sounding beyond frustrated but trying to keep it together. "Go play with your dinos and trucks."

However, August shakes his head. "Want you!" He cries, and now that he has his mother's attention, he climbs off of her leg and looks right into her eyes, arms going above his head, fingers curling and uncurling into his palms. He wants to be picked up, that's why.

She tries to tell him she's making breakfast and can't do it with one hand, but that doesn't matter to Auggie. "Please stop crying. I'm doing my best, okay? Why don't we both take a deep breath and calm down, alright?" but she's ignored.

She's sighing as August continues to cry and she grips the counter so tight that her knuckles begin to turn white. Her chin drops to her chest, clearly in distress. She takes a deep breath in and out before continuing to cut up Auggie's breakfast.

  "So happy," I mumble with a smile, walking into the kitchen. She groans before looking at me with an emotionless expression.

  "I don't need this right now." She says and puts some of the cut-up strawberries into a bowl full of pancake batter.

I give her a smile and sit down at the counter. "You look rested," I respond.

  "I get that we're in your house but it would be so much better if you weren't here." She responds, and it makes me raise an eyebrow at her before looking at Auggie who is still screaming and crying.

  "Of course, you would," I say and move over to sit in the living room, turning on the tv. "If you need my help, just ask me."

This seems to irritate her and she laughs ruefully, dropping the knife onto the counter and turning to look me in the eyes. She's furious and it's amusing. I smile as she sticks her middle finger up at me and lifts Auggie into her arms, placing him on the counter next to the bowl of pancake mix.

  "I know how to look after my own kid, Reid." She sighs and begins mixing the batter again and pouring a small amount into the griddle on the stove. It's tempting to make a snarky comment, but I don't. It wouldn't be fair of me.

I move to the kitchen island, staying silent as I watch Camilla grab the plate of stacked pancakes to add a couple more on top. I make no effort to move nor say anything further when she's placing the plate between Auggie and me.

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