Chapter 12

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I consider myself a rational man most of the time

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I consider myself a rational man most of the time. Well, okay, some of the time. If not reasonable, then sane.

  "You're fucking insane," El says, slamming her glass down on the table with a loud thunk.

  "I know it's a crazy idea, but hear me out," I say, throwing my hands up in defense. El pours herself another glass of rum and takes a sip. "They won't be able to catch me, so what's the harm?"

El stares at me for what seems like the millionth time and lets out a deep sigh, "You don't know that."

  "Yes. Yes, I do. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty fucking smart. They're too dumb. I know they are."

  "We've been over this; we can't be sure. Also, your ex-girlfriend is a part of the BAU, and I'd argue she knows you better than anyone else. What's to say she won't know exactly how to capture you, to capture us." El explains again, for what feels like the thousandth time. "Look, Spence, as your partner here, I'll go ahead and say that it could work; it has been working. But the thought of you exposing your voice is too risky. If they haven't caught us now, they won't ever if you put away this stupid idea."

El is exasperated. When she signed up to do this with me, she probably thought it would be catching up with an old friend. And sure, she's told me she's excited about dealing with an old friend, but she probably didn't think she'd be spending her time trying to get me to step down from half my ideas.

  "They've been getting closer. I know they have," I say, throwing down my glass.

El pauses for a second. "I told you to stop with these stupid ideas."

  "Yes, I know," I wave my hand dismissively. "But El, I love puzzles, and when people try to figure them out, they're too dumb. I just want to give them a little motivation. They practically gave up in Portland as soon as they landed."

  "You were there? That's dangerous, Spencer!"

  "Calm down. They wouldn't have known even if I flat-out told them. They were too busy getting tattoos." I say, putting a picture down in front of her.

  "Oh my god," El says, her mouth open as she picks up the picture. "You've gone full creep mode."

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "I wasn't there for them, I was there for my next victim, but they beat me to it." I take the picture back from her hands. "Please. Consider it, at least. I think it would be fun watching them scramble around to try and find me."

El genuinely smiles and lets out a little laugh of delight. "Fine. You have my permission." I get up to hug her. I let her go finally, and she says, "But! Only if I get to win a game of chess. Right now."

  "Sure," I smile, pulling out my chess board from my game cabinet.

El and I sit down and play multiple games, telling her my plan. El listens aptly and supplies her commentary when she feels it's needed. We didn't realize the hours had slipped by until we were both starving, and it was 12:00 at night. 

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