Chapter 4

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  "I don't like french fries, momma," Auggie tucks his head into his shirt and sits at the table, and I snap my head towards him

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  "I don't like french fries, momma," Auggie tucks his head into his shirt and sits at the table, and I snap my head towards him.

  "What? But just a week ago, you said they were your favorite. You eat the ones from McDonald's; these are basically the same." I say with a frown, and his head pops out of his shirt, a frown also presents on his face.

  "But that's McDonald's. These are mushy." He makes a face and pushes his plate away. You're actually kidding.

I clean up my own plate while he complains some more. "Peanut, please, you need to eat some good food. Please eat for Mommy?" I beg, trying to feed him his crinkle fries, but he whines for no more, pushing the fork away with his hands. He will get sick if he keeps eating microwave dinners, cold pizza, and Nutella on bread. "I'll make you a deal, my little man, momma will play with you if you eat two more fries, okay? You want some more ketchup for them?" I say, and his eyebrows furrow, but when I gently dip the fry into some ketchup and press the food against his lips, he opens his mouth and eats it. "Thank you, my little peanut." He giggles, kissing his cute little face, giving me a kiss on the lips before snuggling against my neck. I hug him, burying my face in his curls, breathing in his scent. He's tiny, barely reaching my hip at five years old, and since the beginning, I have called him August. I insisted on it, in fact.

He starts to wiggle in my arms, signaling he wants to play, so I set him down on his feet. He smiles, showing me his front tooth that he pulled out yesterday, and I smile back before Penelope scoops him back up again

  "Penelope!" I hear Auggie cry out, and she pulls him close. She sets him down, and he runs off toward her office.

  "Thank you, Pen, for offering to watch him." I smile.

  "Anytime. You know I love all my weirdo nephews."

I hug her before saying, "I love you, Penelope Garcia."

  "Get in line!" I hear her yell back as I make my way to the bullpen.

When I walk into the room, the vibe immediately changes. My smile drops as I sit down to look at the mess of crime in front of all of us

  "There's been a string of murders ranging from Washington D.C. to Louisiana for a couple months now," JJ says, clicking the remote in her hand. "Different couples, mostly white, the late 30s, early 40's. All with gunshot wounds to the chest or the head, but all tongues cut out."

Each person is left in secluded areas, usually found in the woods. It looks like the Unsub lets them think they're letting the couple go as there have been chairs with heavy chains attached found in houses near where the bodies have been discovered. Also, there are no drag marks from the home to the woods. There have been no leads on who it could be. The Unsub also seems to cut off the male subject's pinkie."

I flip through page after page in the Manila folder; it's so bad. I don't know how anyone could be this brutal. "Is there any connection to each couple?".

  "Not any that the police could find," JJ answers. I stifle a groan. This is going to suck. Really really suck.

  "Wheels up in 10," Hotch says, and we all get up from the table, quickly walking about getting our go bags ready.

*Authors note: I've looked at my demographics and I've seen some of the readers are from India so omg hello???? I didn't think this story would reach that far!!!! I hope you all are enjoying this so far and I will always update when I can*

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*Authors note: I've looked at my demographics and I've seen some of the readers are from India so omg hello???? I didn't think this story would reach that far!!!! I hope you all are enjoying this so far and I will always update when I can*

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