Chapter 69

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"Mama, why is orange called orange?" His little brow furrows as he eats some pomegranate seeds

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"Mama, why is orange called orange?" His little brow furrows as he eats some pomegranate seeds. I drive the car through another city looking for abandoned cars. I laugh at his confused facial expression.

  "Maybe because of the color? I don't exactly know, monkey. But when you finish that, I want to work on some of your math, okay?"

He nods, grinning as he eats the rest of the pomegranate seeds. Neither Roman or Enzo grabbed any of Auggeie'shomework so I've just been saying addition equations and subtraction equations that I know he can solve.

It's night again. I'm trying to get back to Washington and to FBI headquarters but who knows when that will be. I've been driving for 8 hours now. We've made it to Colorado. The day consists of solely eating and sleeping, getting some time to ourselves.

  "Mama, did you know that 100 plus 200 equals 300?"

  "Look at you! Just as smart as daddy."

He beams at my words. A memory of myself comes to mind when I was younger. How I would sit at the table for hours just doing math problems. I would beat every boy in my class when we were to compete against each other with flash math cards and how I was the first every time to complete my long divisions timed quizzes.

I manage to find some cars parked behind a liquor store and settle on a small silver buggy further from the others. Auggiegrabs his things and I park the car next to the buggy and in a matter of a few minutes I have popped the lock and we are on the road again. We get far enough away that I decide it's safe enough to stop at a motel.

Just to get a few nights of actual good sleep. The days pass quickly too. I manage to flash a smile. Auggie enjoys the room, he says it smells weird- he's not wrong- but that he likes to sleep in a bed that isn't cold like the car. We've both missed taking baths and staying up late to look at the stars. Sometimes, we'll make forts- hanging the blankets off of the walls and hide under them. I tell him stories of my better childhood memories, I tell him stories of people he'll hopefully meet again once they come and find us.

  "Momma, do you know what daddy was like when he was little?" He whispers as he rests his head against my shoulder, I breathe in the smell of his hair, memories Spencer has told me of his little self running through my mind.

  "Well, I know that he was smart like you." I touch the tip of his nose and he giggles. "And...I know that he has big curly hair like you. He loves Halloween like you too. He loves books, lots and lots. He can even read in different languages!"

  "Different languages?" Auggie pokes my cheek and I catch his finger in my mouth, nibbling on it making him scream.

  "Yeah. Different people from all around the world have their own language they speak! Just like how Daddy, me and you speak English." he nods for me to continue. "He loves to draw like you, too. And sometimes, if I asked him, he would read me his favorite books. And he could talk for hours, as you know, and I always listened."

Auggie smiles, snuggling closer until I tell him it's time for a shower. He gets up from under the blankets and I fold everything to place onto the bed.

  "Bath time!" I say, and Auggie jumps onto the bed butt naked and I screech when he tries to throw himself on me. "You stink!" I throw him over my shoulder and he screams, laughing when I place him gently into the tub and turn the water on with him.

I clean him up making sure that we don't take too long so that we can get up early and leave. It's time to start moving again, staying in one place for too long can and will most definitely get dangerous. I comb through his curls after struggling with him when he tries to swim away. I finally get a big knot out of the back of his hair and make sure every part of him is clean.

  "Mommy, I forgot Joey Kitty." he tells me

I tut, pushing his wet hair back out of his eyes. "I'll go get him for you, don't worry." He nods, and I kiss his cheeks and drain the water from the tub. After telling him to get dressed, I open the windows to let out the steam. I exit the bathroom in search of his stuffy when I stop in my tracks at the sight of the man in our hotel room, even covered in blood and bruises I recognize him immediately.



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