Chapter 42

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Roman's description of the may be UNSUB really has gotten us nowhere

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Roman's description of the may be UNSUB really has gotten us nowhere. Penelope found no one with blond hair who owns a red Convertible who dresses well, sweeps his hair to the side, and looks like all woman would fall all over him if he just walked down the street.

Which sucks because now we have a new victim. A woman same age as the others around early 20's all with varying skin tones, hair colors, weight, height, but one thing that is the same with all of them is the face. They all have the same face shape.

  "You know, I didn't want to say this to early into the case because I thought I could be wrong but....they all look like you, Cami." JJ admits and I turn to look at her.

  "No they don't." I say briefly, not wanting to delve into the topic any more.

  "JJ's right. It's the face." Emily says through a mouthful of hot chocolate.

  "I hate both of you." I murmur, going through each of the victims paperwork.

  "Okay, what has gotten into you? Usually you're so upbeat and today you're just...well sad." Emily says and I give her the middle finger.

  "I just am. Today Auggie and I were supposed to make home made pizzas for dinner and now I have to tell him 'sorry! Mommy can't come home tonight Auggie, we got the same dip shit running around town murdering people who have the same face shape as your mother which both Aunt Emily and Auntie JJ graciously pointed out to me! Isn't that just wonderful!' not to mention we all thought we put this guy away and obviously didn't."

  "Okay, okay." JJ says, raising her arms in a defensive manor.

  "I'm going to get us some lunch. We're all cranky, some more than others, and I think some food will do us good." Emily stands from the small table the police gave us to spread as much information as we could on it and she grabs her coat.

  "Fine. Can you just get me something from Panera? I'll pay you later." I ask her, resting my head in my hands. Morgan comes in right as Emily is walking out and asks for 'just a burger' and Hotch asks for nothing per usual. Hotch never usually eats on cases that take up much of our attention. I'll usually slide him half of whatever I'm eating even if I'm starving so I will see him eat something.

I used to do the same with Spencer, too. When Spencer was here and when Gideon left, Spencer started to copy some of the habits Hotch did. Like not eating. So I'd make sure that Spencer got something from a local fast food place since he never liked sharing food while Hotch got half of my burger or salad.

To take my mind off of what happened earlier this morning, I decide to delve deep into our newest victims life. Or everything that Penelope could gather anyway and try not to focus on the fact that her face shape is similar to mine. 


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