Chapter 46

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As I sit on the couch, a book in my hand and Auggie sleeping on top of me, I think about how Auggie has both parents in his life

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As I sit on the couch, a book in my hand and Auggie sleeping on top of me, I think about how Auggie has both parents in his life. Spencer and I. And I think about how both Spencer and I are missing our fathers in our lives. It's crazy how someone can be in your life and leave with the snap of your fingers.

Which is why I found it weird when my mother said my father would be coming for dinner. I honestly think I'd rather meet Spencer's dad and tell him his son is the father of the six year old constantly at my side than face mine again.

The air in Spencer's apartment feels thick with tension as the dinner table is set for an unexpected gathering. My heart races, my mind filling with a whirlwind of emotions. I haven't spoken to my father in years, and now he's about to share a meal with me, Spencer, my mother, and Auggie.

I glance at the clock, my anxiety mounting with each passing minute. The sound of a knock at the door sends a jolt through me, and I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead.

Spencer looks at me and I nod, hesitantly. He opens the door, revealing my mother standing beside a man who appears both familiar and distant-a stranger and yet my father. My mother wears a nervous smile, my eyes darting between me and my father.

  "Come in," Spencer greets them, his voice laced with hesitance. "We're just about to start dinner."

My father steps into the apartment, his gaze meeting mine briefly before flickering away. The tension in the room grow palpable as we gather around the small table, our chairs positioned with an uncomfortable proximity.

Auggie, blissfully unaware of the underlying tension, chats animatedly about his daycare day, his innocent words providing a momentary respite from the awkwardness. Spencer and my mother engage in polite small talk, attempting to bridge the gap between them.

I, however, find myself unable to find the right words. Memories of past hurts and disappointments flood my mind, leaving me tongue-tied. I steal glances at my father, searching for any sign of recognition or remorse, but I find none.

As the meal progresses, the silence grows deafening. The clinking of cutlery against plates seems to echo in the room, magnifying the unease that settles over them all. My heart aches, tearing between my desire for closure and my fear of exposing myself to further pain.

  "Mommy." Auggie starts, dragging out the 'y' as he swings my arm back and forth as I gather more salad.

  "Auggie." I respond, dragging out the 'e', matching his tone and energy with a smile.

  "I think Lilo is my girlfriend." He casually says with a grin on his face.

The corner of my lips quirk up. "Is that right?"

He hums under his breath and nods his head.

  "Why do you think that?" I ask him, trying to prompt more answers out of him.

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