Chapter 41

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As I walk into the bullpen, my heart pounding in my chest, a note catches my eyes

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As I walk into the bullpen, my heart pounding in my chest, a note catches my eyes. One I thought we locked away with evidence a while ago.

Stop looking. Leave me be.

I look at Emily who's currently sticking the old victims with a piece of tape to the whiteboard. "What the fuck has happened?"

  "He's reared his ugly head again, that's what's happening."

  "Are you kidding me? I thought we caught the guy."

  "Apparently he had an accomplice. Also, someone has been sitting at your desk for the past hour. You should probably say hi." Emily says, maneuvering me to look out at the bureau from behind the large glass windows of the bullpen to see a familiar face.

  "Why is he here?"

Emily shrugs and pulls her lips to the side, sucking a breath through her teeth to tell me she's not pleased. "Didn't say. All he told me was that he was going to wait for you."

I'm getting really annoyed. With everything and everyone and all I want to do is go home and tell Spencer what happened. But knowing he'd get the idea in his head to murder the guy who was in my car, I'm not going to let that happen so I won't be going home. I put on a smile as I reach my desk.

  "Roman! Oh my god I haven't seen you in forever." I give him a hug as he gives me one.

  "I was hoping you were in today. I just wanted to say hi. It has been forever, I'm so sorry."

  "Always the gentlemen I see." I grin at him, pulling back to see his face. This is weird. Why is he here. I mean, there's a time and place for this. He does look good though. I mean, he sort of always does. His black hair is slicked back and he's wearing a black turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows so everyone here can catch a glimpse of his tattoos. His teeth are as white as ever and it makes me feel bad about my own.

  "I didn't mean to intrude at your work place. This is strange, I know. But I think I know who the killer is."

My eyes go wide for a second before I compose myself. "Okay. Follow me then." I guide him to a room so we can talk, my hand placed on the small of his back. Penelope shows up just in time and I wave her over. "Penelope, can you take Roman to one of the interrogation rooms? He says he thinks he knows who the killer is."

  "Oh, of course! Anything for my favorite lover." She smiles at me before leading Roman away.

  "I love you always, Pen!" I yell as I make my way back to my desk to collect some things before grabbing a cup of coffee for me and a cup of water for Roman.

  "Of course you do!" She yells back and I chuckle. I feel someone standing over me as I collect my pen and pad of paper and I look up seeing Emily smirking.

I roll my eyes and point at her before saying "Don't" sternly.

  "Oh come on! You can't believe that! He came all the way here just to tell you that he might know who the killer is?"

  "You know," I sigh, leaning against the counter as I start the coffee pot. "I know you have shitty taste in men, but not all of us do."

  "Don't pull the 'I'm better than you because I had one good guy for my first relationship ever' card. Spencer left you high and dry, girl."

  "At least he left me alone and didn't put me in jail and then being arrested himself." I cock my head to the side, smiling at her.

  "Okay now that's low, Hendricks." She says, taking the small sugar packets from my hand and pulling it away as I go to grab for it.

  "You can talk all you want but I wasn't the one six feet under." I watch as her mouth goes slack with a small smile and I grin as I quickly grab the sugar packets from her hand. I give her a kiss on the cheek before I go to find Roman.

  "Oh I'm so getting you back for that one, Hendricks!"

  "Love you!"

  "So let me get this straight just so I know

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  "So let me get this straight just so I know. The subject you saw had yellowish hair, combed neatly to the side but had some parts hanging in front of his eyes, he was white with nice style, and drove a...." I look at my notes, scribbled all over the place. Honestly, it's completely chicken scratch and I feel like I'm going crazy as I try to make out my handwriting

  "Red convertible." Roman finishes for me.

  "Okay," I write that down and look back up at him "Did you catch the license plate at all? Any numbers? Letters? Symbols? Anything?"

  "No, no I'm sorry. I didn't."

  "Okay, that's okay. What about age? How old did he looks? Twenty's to thirty's or older? Maybe even younger?"

  "Twenty's." He answers briefly and I scribble it down as well.

  "Anything else you can remember?"

He shakes his head. "No. That's all."

I nod and lean back, going over everything. "Okay, that's all I need from you then unless you remember something else." I smile briefly, standing up and gesturing for him to do the same. "If you do remember anything, give me a call."

  "But I don't have your number." He chuckles.

  "Oh I'm 100% sure Penelope has already put it in your contacts."

He takes his phone out of his pocket to check and sure enough, after a couple seconds, he pulls up my name in his contacts. "Well that's....creepy." 


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