Chapter 25

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The case lasted longer than we initially perceived it would

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The case lasted longer than we initially perceived it would. By the time I get back to Spencer's apartment, I'm exhausted and can't wait to pass out in bed. I put the key in the lock and am barraged by Auggie's arms wrapping around my legs.

  "Hey, baby. Why are you still up?"

  "Waiting for you."

I pick him up into my arms and look around for Spencer who seemingly appears out of nowhere. "Alright, well I'm here now so why don't we go to bed? Momma's had a tough day."

Auggie simply nods and I set him down. Thank god he's already been washed and dressed in his favorite footy pajamas because I don't think I'd be able to gather enough strength to go through his whole bath/hair routine. I don't think I've ever been this tired to the point where caring for my child is the last thing on my mind and I feel horrible about it.

  "You okay?" I hear Spencer ask and I try to rub the tiredness from my eyes as I look up at him.

  "Yeah, just really tired." I smile sleepily. Auggie says a small 'excuse me' and I smile, picking him up. "Sorry, peanut. We can go to bed now." I don't ask him what bed he will sleep in because I know it will start with him sleeping in his own bed and then sometime during the night, I'll find him cuddling up by my side with his stuffy snug in his arms.

Once he's tucked in and I've read him a story or two, I go back out to the living room where Spencer is. I giggle to myself as I sit down on the couch and he looks at me with a questionable look.

  "What's up with you?" He asks, pausing the tv.

  "You know what's funny? I'm so tired but every time I close my eyes I just can't seem to actually fall asleep."

  "I know the feeling."

As much as I hate him, it's nice to have these talks where we aren't arguing. "Thank you," I say, it sounds strangled coming out of my mouth. "For bathing him and getting him into his pajamas."

He shrugs. "You two live here with me, might as well help out."

I smirk and lean my head back against the back of the couch. "Might as well, huh?" I ask him, the words struck me as a little pessimistic.

  "Might as well." is all he answers and I roll my eyes.

  "Always looking on the best outlook of things." I shift myself so my head is now on the armrest of the couch. But my eyes won't stay shut despite how they close every second I'm not actively trying to go to sleep. I let out a frustrated groan and hear Spencer laugh. "Fuck off," I grumble.

  "I could help." He says and I open one eye to look at him.

  "Such as?"

  "First I want to hear you tell me, 'Spencer, I need your help'."

I chuckle and say, "Absolutely not."

  "Fine." He shrugs and unpauses the tv. I try to settle once more, grabbing one of the blankets resting on the back of the couch to put over me. My ears focus on the noise of the tv, hoping my brain will create its own scenarios to fall asleep to. However, my attempts would soon become fruitless and I soon give up.

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