The Price of Grief Part 3

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Sitting around the square table, each of you had your own standard cup of ice cream. Although no one would admit it, the appeal of the sweet treat was lost. You took a few bites of your chocolate flavor, only to find your sweet tooth disappearing moments later. The taste was different. It could have been that, or perhaps it was the vacant spot right next to you where Daniela used to sit. A part of you couldn't even bring yourself to look in that direction because it would only affirm that she was indeed gone.

Bela broke off small pieces of her waffle cone with her fingers, placing the bits of crispy wafers into her mouth one at a time. She hadn't yet touched her ice cream with her spoon. It seemed she couldn't be bothered to try it.

Beside her, Cassandra scrutinized her vanilla ice cream topped with sprinkles. In truth, she disliked the colorful sprinkles. However, she had them added anyway because Daniela had adored them. Her little sister had loved sprinkles ever since they were small children.

Your wife was halfway through her cookies and cream. She picked out one of the larger chunks of Oreo and dropped it into your cup. "There you go. You like these cookies."

A warm smile graced your lips. "That I do." Since no one was engaging in conversation, you pulled out your phone and checked your Reminders app. "Guys, before we go home, we need to stop by the hardware store. We need a couple of bags of pellets, lightbulbs, and more motor oil."

"That's fine," Alcina replied, casting a glance at Cassandra, who refused to acknowledge her. "Girls, since you're both on suspension, you will spend your time doing extra chores around the farm. I expect you to start bright and early. You will not sleep your days away. When you're not doing chores, you'll either read a book or find another productive activity."

"Like you locking yourself away in your study each day?" Cassandra sardonically remarked. "Yeah, that sounds really productive."

"Cass?" You shook your head at her with disapproval. "I understand today has been emotional and challenging for you, but you must be respectful to your mother."

"You know what?" Cassandra shoved her chair back. Its legs scraped loudly across the floor. "It seems I'm only making everything worse, so I'll just wait in the car." She then abandoned her softened ice cream and stormed out the front door.

"Do you think she'll want her ice cream later?" Bela poked her sister's bowl with her plastic spoon. "I'll just get a new lid for it and take it with us."

Letting out a tired sigh, you leaned back in your chair. You rubbed the back of your neck, trying to soothe an ache that had been bothering you all morning. You had nothing more to say. Hopefully, the trip to the hardware store would be less tense.

After you finished, you all headed out and drove to the store, which was only a few minutes away. When you parked out in the middle of the parking lot, you turned to your family. "Alci? Why don't you and Cass get the lightbulbs? Bela and I will meet you at the checkout once we've got the rest of the items."

"Sounds like a plan." Your wife patted your lap before exiting the car. "Come along, Cassandra. Let's see if we can beat your mom and sister to the checkout."

Cassandra grunted her reluctance. She dragged herself out of the vehicle to follow her mother.

Bela tossed you an uneasy look while she unbuckled her seatbelt. "You think they'll be okay together?"

"Your mother and Cassandra need to work some things out. I don't know when they'll do that, but they will. They always do. Are you ready?"


Inside the hardware store, you grabbed a cart and pushed it down the aisle that had the bags of pellets you needed for the chickens. There were four bags left on the shelf, which were on sale. You lifted and heaved a deep sigh when you dropped one of them into the cart. "Grab another one, would you, kiddo?"

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