She Belongs to Me

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The maids scrambled around wildly, rushing from the kitchen and down the dining hall as they tidied and prepared the room for company. Lord Heisenberg was to be the guest of honor this evening. The girls highly anticipated his arrival; they decorated the banquet table and chatted about their beloved uncle and all the questions they had in store for him.

Lady Dimitrescu, however, did not share her daughters' affection or excitement over their uncle's impending arrival. Her reasons for allowing him to visit her castle were solely because he meant a great deal to her daughters, and because he'd occasionally deliver messages regarding political or business matters. Otherwise, he was nothing but a nuisance and challenge in her eyes.

You had yet to meet him, having heard a myriad of positive and negative remarks about this interesting character. The sound of heavy knocking resonated through the halls.

"He's here!" Bela chimed with joy. She made her way around the table and headed toward you, taking hold of your arm. "C'mon, you must meet our uncle!" Her sisters followed in suit as all of you made your way to the front door.

One of the maids shut the door as she welcomed him inside. When he stomped his feet, his boots shed some dried mud onto the floor. He wore a long, gray overcoat, and you noticed that you couldn't see his eyes because of his retro, round sunglasses. Bela released your arm and rushed over to her uncle to hug him along with her sisters.

"There are my beauties!" He opened his arms widely and embraced them. The girls hung on him like monkeys and jabbered all at once.

Daniela then broke away from him to wave you over. "This is our uncle!"

He turned his head toward you and lowered his glasses for a moment. As soon as you caught his eyes, a lewd expression formed on his face. He flashed his white teeth at you. "And who would this fine lass be?"

"This is our personal maid and friend," Bela answered.

He lifted his eyebrow. "Personal maid? Well then, allow me to introduce myself." He dramatically bowed before you and reached for your hand. You could feel his scraggly and unkempt beard brush against your hand as he kissed it.

"You can call me Lord Heisenberg, or Karl, if we get comfy with each other." His eyes twinkled as he winked at you. He was an awful flirt, and while you weren't thrilled with his kiss, he struck you as a somewhat clownish and amusing character.

"I'm afraid you won't be getting comfy in this room, dear brother." Lady Dimitrescu entered the room. She had a reticent and displeased look on her face. She walked over and stood by your side, staring down at her brother.

Lord Heisenberg backed away from you slightly. "Ah, and there's my favorite sister!" He smiled at her half-heartedly and then bowed.

"Oh, please, spare me the pleasantries," Alcina dismissed his fake compliment. "Dinner is ready, and I can see that you've dressed properly for the occasion."

Now you understand why they were rivals and didn't get along very well. All of you made your way into the dinning room. Lady Dimitrescu took her seat at the head of the table and assigned your positions. She had your chair near her. You sat adjacent to Cassandra while Bela and Daniela sat closer to Lord Heisenberg, who was sitting at the opposite side of the table, the farthest away from you. The maids then served the main course: rare steak.

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