Facing the Unknown (Conclusion)

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Alcina sat across the table from you and let out a discouraged sigh. Moving her hand along the counter, she took hold of your palm and touched the gemstone in your ring. "I'm sorry."

Shaking your head and pushing your drink away, you patted her hand comfortingly. "Don't be. Like you said, we're in this together. We'll just have to try something else."

"I'm staying home," Alcina stated firmly.


"I'll change my schedule and stay home with you during the morning hours. Miranda will understand my reasons. I don't want you to be alone."

"You don't need to do that, hon. Really. I only leave a couple of hours after you. But I sure wouldn't mind because that means you and I would have more time together."

"Which is always a delight. I'm thinking about those surveillance cameras. They may not be such a bad investment."

"I agree. How about tomorrow afternoon? I got the day off and then we could pick one out?"
"That sounds like a plan. I only need to inform Miranda."

You then had an epiphany. "Oh, shit! Alci! The barista!"

"What?" Her eyes flickered nervously around the coffee shop. "The barista? You suspect it's her?"

"No, not her. But she should know who bought the drink for me. Wait here!" Patting her hand one last time, you slid out of the booth and made your way to the front counter.

A young man wearing a green apron greeted you. "Hi! What can I get for you today?"

"Hi, umm..." You looked around him and spotted the girl wearing the glittery makeup as she washed dishes in a deep sink. "Can I speak to that young woman back there? She served me a drink not too long ago, and I just had a question for her?"

"Yeah, sure. Just one sec, please." He turned around and headed over to her, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention. She nodded at his words and moved to the front.

She greeted you in the same friendly manner as before. "Hi, there! Uh, so my friend said you had a question for me about your drink? Is there anything wrong with it?"

"No, not at all, it was great. It's just you mentioned that someone bought the drink for me earlier? Can I ask you who that was?" 

"Oh, eh...I've already forgotten. It was a few hours ago, maybe? She squinted as she strained to remember who it was. "I see so many faces, so it's kinda hard to remember who requested what and such, you know?"

"I understand. I'm a waitress, so I feel you on that. It wasn't long ago, then?"

"Yeah, I..." she trailed off. "Shoot–sorry, I'm blanking so hard right now. I just remember that he ordered your drink and told me to give it to you along with the note because he mentioned something about you being his new fiancée."

You stared at her, slack-jawed. "Fiancée?!"

Her eyes widened in alarm from your reaction. "Uh, yes?"

"Interesting..." You glanced at Alcina, who was talking on her phone. "Thanks for telling me. Sorry for pulling you away from your work."

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