An Unforgetttable Dance

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Sorting through the dresses in the wardrobe, you settled on the brilliantly blue, Romanian, cut out gown. You anticipated tonight's event. Lady Dimitrescu had another political meeting among dignitaries, and the host was holding a formal ball.

For you, it was your first one, but for your Mistress, it was nothing special; she had already attended countless events. Nevertheless, what made it more special to you was that Alcina Dimitrescu asked if you would be her dance partner, as she claimed the event would be an utter bore if she had to endure another evening of philosophy and politics. But the girls were convinced that their mother was asking you out on a date. Whichever it was, you were thrilled.

In the main room, the girls waited by the fireplace with their mother. When they heard you descending the staircase, they turned their heads and were filled with wonder once they saw your dress. Cassandra gawked at you, standing to take a closer look at your appearance. "Holy shit, you look amazing!"

"Cassandra," Alcina chastised, clearing her throat.

"Sorry, I meant holy poop, you look freaking amazing!"

Lady Dimitrescu pursed her lips and sighed. She always hoped her daughters' speech, especially Cassandra's, would become more refined with time. The girls continued to make a fuss over your dress as her eyes relished your appearance.

"You look absolutely stunning, dear." Alcina smiled and offered you her satin gloved arm. "Are you ready?"

Lady Dimitrescu was a sight for sore eyes. Her high slit jet-black dress nicely hugged her figure. She wore a corsage on the left side of her dress and her typical, wide-brimmed black hat. Mesmerized by her ravishing appearance, you were speechless and could not compliment her in return. You only nodded your head and gladly wrapped your arm around hers.

The girls waved as you entered the horse carriage and set off. It was about a 20-minute journey to the dignitary's mansion. Pulling up to the front of the palace along with other horse carriages, you came to a stop. Lady Dimitrescu gracefully exited the carriage and waited for you to take her hand. You thanked her as you stepped out and allowed her to lead you inside the grandiloquent castle.

Once you and Alcina entered the castle, much was happening all at once. There were so many people, and you found it to be a bit overwhelming. It seemed like men and women engaged Lady Dimitrescu in conversations from all different directions, asking question after question. Now you understood why these types of formal events were a bore for her. Thankfully, few people engaged with you because Alcina would steer their attention away from you and feed them a topic that didn't involve your participation. She would not make you tolerate the dreariness of their conversations or have them asking you any prying questions.

Despite the crowded atmosphere, you took great pleasure in listening to the symphony and beholding this palace. Everything was beautiful to you. You felt a hand gently squeeze your shoulder, you glanced up and saw Alcina giving you a reassuring expression. As long as you stayed close to her, things would be all right.

Just as Alcina was about to escort you to the ballroom, a woman dressed in a white stopped her. She informed Lady Dimitrescu that a group of dignitaries waited for her to join them in the parlor. Alcina let out a small huff before politely telling her she was on her way.

Sadly, she let go of your arm and looked down at you. "I apologize for the interference, dear, but I must handle some business matters with several important people before we dance," she explained, her voice laced with disappointment. "Please wait for me? I promise I will be no longer than fifteen minutes."

You were disappointed, too. Yet you understood that she had matters to attend to, and you also knew that the both of you had a full evening to enjoy. You could wait. Smiling at her, you told her you would gladly wait for her in the ballroom. Besides, there was a buffet table providing drinks and delicacies. What better place to wait than there? Lady Dimitrescu nodded her approval and headed to the parlor.

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