The Bloody Mirror (Part 2)

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The sinister laughter of an old woman abruptly woke you up. With sweat all over your face, you wiped it off and could hear a loud ringing sound. Placing your hands over your ears, you looked out your window. It was still dark outside. There was no way this could be the same night.

Glancing over at your vanity mirror, you saw your reflection and something else. You narrowed your eyes and noticed an obscure shadow hanging above your head. Fear crept up your spine as you looked up. There was nothing. Quickly looking back at the mirror, the shadow was gone. You concluded you had a pretty rough night; it was perfectly logical that you were only imagining things.

The following morning, you felt like you got no rest. Your eyes were dry, your body ached, and your hand throbbed painfully. It didn't feel any better. Unwrapping some gauze from your hand, there was more redness around your cuts. Worried, you covered it back up and continued about your morning routine.

That afternoon, while doing light dusting of the cabinets, the pain intensified with each swipe. Examine your dressing, you were beginning to unravel it again when Alcina called you from the main floor. "I would like you to meet with me. We need to apply a fresh bandage on your hand."

"Uh, of course, M'Lady, I'll be right there." There was no need to look at it now. You could just have her inspect it.

Rushing down the stairs, you passed by Daniela. "Hey, how does your hand feel today?"

"Hey Daniela, it feels...okay. I'm actually on my way to meet with your mother. She's going to check it out."

"Okay, good. Last night was pretty crazy, huh? I'm kinda over it already, but I think it's affected Bela."

"Is Bela okay?"

"I don't know. She's still unnerved by that mirror shattering all over the floor. She kept saying it wasn't meant to break or some nonsense like that. Bela's just being paranoid, so don't worry about her."

"And I would've thought it would've been Cassandra. I've got to go. I want to avoid keeping your mother waiting."

"Right, good luck!" Daniela gave a thumbs-up and continued up the stairs.

Walking into the Merchant's room, you found Lady Dimitrescu fussing with new gauze and opening the top to the same liquid she administered to your wound last night. You crinkled your nose, recalling how much it stung. This time, you were determined to put on a brave face.

"I see you've got everything prepared."

Looking up at you, Alcina smiled. "How have you been feeling, dear? How is that hand of yours?" She then beckoned you to sit at the table.

"I had some trouble falling asleep last night," you sat down and cradled your hand. "I had some ringing in my ears, but I eventually got some shut-eye. As for my hand, it feels worse to me."

"Mm. I would think that the ringing in your ears came because of all the screaming and shouting. I could hear all of you clearly from the second floor.".

"I'm really sorry about that. We didn't mean to wake you."

She placed her hand on your arm. "Don't worry or apologize, dear. I was worried if you and the girls were all right. Now, let's take a look at that hand." Alcina took it and delicately unwrapped the bandage.

"What in the-" your heart leapt into your throat once she revealed your palm. There was a plethora of maggots crawling out of your cuts. As clear as day, you could see them creeping around, some of them even fell off onto the table. You let out such a sudden and piercing scream, alarming Alcina enough to lean back in her chair, terribly confused and stunned by your reaction.

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora