The Wrong Job (Conclusion)

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Silence followed. The voice spoke nothing more. Standing beside Donna, you reached down for her hand and gave it a supportive squeeze, breaking her out of her mortified trance. "What do we do?"

"We see if he's really in there, and then we're getting the hell out of here." She directed her finger at the stuffed bear on the bed. "Grab that. Maybe it'll protect us and ward off his spirit."

"But he was snuggling with it in the picture!"

She shot you a stern look and raised her finger to her lips. "Shhh, keep your voice down! I know that. Just trust me on this."

You did not know where she was going with this, but you listened to her, anyway. Quietly, you snuck back in and picked the bear up by its ear. Handing it to her, she gestured for you to stay close as you tiptoed to the room. "It's cold."

"Good to know it wasn't just me feeling that way."

"An unexplained temperature shift can indicate that there's a ghostly–"

"Don't you finish that sentence!"

You gulped, hearing Donna's breaths quickening as she stuck her head inside. Once she signaled that the coast was clear, you stepped in. Everything was as you left it. Everything except for one thing.

"It can't be," Donna gasped. Glancing into the crib, she picked up the reborn doll and shook its body. You averted your gaze from it, simply because you wanted to avoid seeing those creepy marble eyes again.

"What's the problem? That's where we left it, right?"

"Yes, but it wasn't sitting up when I threw it back in here, and its arms were by its sides, not above its head." She manipulated its limbs back to how she remembered. Clutching on to the bear, she surveyed the room to ensure none of the other toys had changed their locations. Her eyes landed on the closet. "And therein lies our problem. I'm not opening that." She backed away from the crib and moved near the plastic tub.

You then shifted closer to the door, preparing to flee if the occasion called for it. "I'm not opening it, either."

Donna bent down and dug through the tub of toys. "We should see who or what has been messing with us, and then we can leave."

"Why do we have to bother to look, though? Can't we just leave it be?"

"I just want to know what it is." She then pulled out one of the lightsabers and flung its red blade out. "Okay, I'm ready. Open it."

"Are you serious right now? What are you planning to do with that?"

"I'm going to use it to beat the living shit out of whomever is hiding in that closet. I'm not playing anyone's games. Now hurry up, I'm losing my sanity here."

"You know you can't strike a kid with a toy, right?"

She had this wicked look on her face, whirling the lightsaber around. "This blade's red, which means I don't have to care. Trust me, I'm justified. Besides, Anakin killed all of those younglings in the Jedi Temple with his blue saber, and I didn't see anyone shedding tears over that."

"That was a movie!"

"And this feels like a horror movie that I'm stuck in!"

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora