The Gentle Giantess

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You were happy to see your twins playing with the children of the village. It was during your errands that they had let go of your hand. A group of kids near the workshop had kicked their ball out of their circle. It had rolled toward your daughter and son. Remembering how their sparkling eyes pleaded with you to let them join in on the fun, you gave them permission to play, reminding them to play fair as you finished your remaining tasks.

Elana tossed the ball to her brother, and then he passed it on to another kid. As much as the twins adored their older sisters, who were their best playmates and friends, they desired playing with people their size. Human children who were closer to their actual age. Potential peers who were not staff, either.

"Catch!" a boy yelled, shooting the ball far up into the sky for anyone to catch it.

Alex acted fast and went for it, keeping his eyes on the ball until it fell right into his arms. Gleefully, he punted it back to the boy and felt proud of himself. He glanced at his twin, who gave him a tiny thumbs-up and a winning smile.

"Good catch," the boy said, narrowing his eyes curiously. "Where are you guys from? We've not seen you around here."

"Are you new?" a girl asked from among the group. 

Before Alex could respond, his sister stole the answer from him. "No, we're not new. We just don't get to visit the village all that much."

A different boy raised his eyebrow at them and wondered what they meant by that. "You don't live around here? Where do you live?"

"We're from Castle Dimitrescu," Alex replied.

A girl from the group made an ugly face before scrunching her button nose. "Ew, from that castle of monsters?"

"Monsters?" Neither of the twins were following them. What monsters? Confused, Elana cleared her throat. "There are no monsters in our family. Our mother is a lord."

The children listening to them suddenly backed away from them, regarding them as a threat. Twisted abominations. They knew the stories. Their parents had warned them about the bloodthirsty countess and how she would torture any unfortunate soul who entered her castle.

"Is it true that your mother is almost ten feet tall?"

"Is it also true that she drinks the blood of maids and bites off pieces of her victims with her teeth?"

"Does she eat people like us?"

"How can you guys live in that castle with a bunch of vampires? I'd be so scared and have nightmares all the time."

"Are you vampires, too? Is blood your food?"

All the children's questions overwhelmed both Elana and Alex. They took notice of how they were gradually stepping away from them and how afraid they seemed. Their minds could not make sense of it.

"We don't hurt people," Elana clarified.

"Yeah, we'd never do such a thing," Alex added. "We're...just like all of you. We're not vampires."

"No," the boy spoke up, holding on to his ball tighter. "You guys aren't anything like us." Since he was the one coordinating the game for all of his friends, he beckoned them to follow him elsewhere. Somewhere where they could continue their game without the twins. None of them would allow freaks like them to be with them, anyway. They belonged back in their castle with their family of monsters.

With sadness, the twins watched the group of children depart, overhearing some of them calling them crude names. The chance of making friends with them was impossible.

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