Author's Note

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WOW!!! So, we've finally reached 100 chapters! I just wanted to take the time to thank ALL of you for being absolutely amazing and so, so, supportive throughout these one-shots. To the ones who've been with me since the beginning, I cannot thank you enough for everything. You've been the best, and I mean that in the most heartfelt way. And to the ones who've recently found this fic, thank you for going back to read it from the start and for sharing your thoughts on different one-shots.

To my silent readers, thank you for reading! You are just as much appreciated, and I hope you will continue to enjoy future chapters! Stay awesome!

This isn't the end. I still have a number of one-shots in mind that I'd like to post before I complete this fic. So, until that happens, please know that I appreciate every single one of you! You have my immeasurable gratitude. 😊💚

[I still accept requests! Just leave a comment on any of the chapters and I'll do my best.]

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt