Truth or Dare?

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"Spin it faster!"

"I did!"

Twirling the transparent bottle around again, you and your friends held in your gasp as you watched it spin to a gradual stop. Everyone's eyes widened when it aimed at Miranda. It wasn't a school night, and her parents would not be home until tomorrow evening. Until then, having company over would pass the time.

Donna wagged her finger at her knowingly. "Ooh! You know what that means! You've told us two truths, and now you have to do a dare!"

"Aye, let me do it! Let me do it!" Karl shot his arm up, grinning like a fool. "I got a good one for her."

Alcina couldn't keep her own lips from spreading. "Be careful, Miranda. He'll dare you to jump off the roof."

Donna bobbed her head at Alcina and then at her. "We'd know you'd do it. You're too proud."

"I've got one." After snapping your fingers, you got up from the ground and rushed to her kitchen to retrieve something. When you came back to your group of friends, you had a cup of food in your hands. "You have to take a bite of this. A small one, at least."

With Alcina being the tallest one in the gang, she could easily see what you had in your cup. "Disgusting. Is that dog food?"

You winked at her. "I drizzled honey on it."

"Dog food?" Donna was extremely disappointed by your lack of creativity. "That's so mild. I would've dared Miranda to eat a whole plate of that."

A look of anger crossed Miranda's face. "And what use would I be if I got sick?"

With a shrug of her shoulders, Donna really couldn't care all that much. "I dunno."

"At least the honey makes it taste sweeter, isn't that right, Alcina?" Karl chuckled, nudging her knee. He flinched slightly when she tossed him a threatening look to not touch her again.

"Take a nibble, Miranda."

Handing her the cup, she scrunched her nose at it. Picking one up, she bit down on the kibble. It had a semi bland flavor. An inferior quality, cheap tasting cookie. When she forced herself to swallow it, she poked her tongue all along the inside of her cheeks and grimaced. If all of you weren't staring at her like lemurs, she'd run to the bathroom to brush her teeth. "That wasn't as bad as I expected it to be."

"You took one small bite," Donna deadpanned, clapping her hands slowly. "Well done. Okay, Karl, spin it! I want it to land on me!" He did as she said, and then everyone would hold their breath as it slackened to a halt. "Yes! It's my turn! Miranda, give me a challenge!"

When you offered her an idea, she silenced you. "Not you. You're too soft."

Your face twisted into a scowl before you crossed your arms at your friend. "Am not..."

Miranda stroked her chin with her finger as she gave Donna a once-over. Such a short girl like her would indeed be challenged. "I dare you to pick up Alcina. At least hold her up for three seconds."

Alcina went owl-eyed when she heard her name uttered. How dare she. "Why don't you volunteer yourself, Miranda?" She and Miranda were set to start high school soon. Being the almost ninth graders that they were, they were the ones in charge of all of you. "We all know you're as light as a feather."

"Challenge accepted!" Donna squealed, jumping up from her spot to stand over behind Alcina. "Karl, scoot over! I need more room to lift the giant." Alcina tampered down her irritation, intending to make her pay for that comment.

Donna spat into her hands and rubbed them together, taking a deep breath and bracing herself. "Okay, Alci! Do me a favor and turn into a fruit roll-up, would you? Make this easier on your girl!"

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat