A Carnival of Horrors

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Enthralled by the flashing lights and fanfare around you, you continued to toss deep-fried Oreos into your mouth. The screams of delight and terror coming from the Gyro-Drop caused your stomach to drop, leaving you slightly dizzy from watching those people fall at that velocity. Looking around the carnival grounds, you searched for your family.

Last you remembered, Cassandra mentioned something about wanting to ride The Orbiter for the fourth time. That girl had a gut of steel, and that was after she had consumed two bags of popcorn in addition to the corn dog and a stick of cotton candy. Her metabolism was at its peak. She had dragged Bela by the feet while Daniela challenged your wife to smash milk bottles at a booth. Alcina needed a little encouragement, as she didn't wish to 'throw out her shoulder.' You had only laughed and insisted she show Dani a good time. Once she returned, perhaps you could take her on the Ferris wheel.

Finding yourself out of fried Oreos, you felt compelled to visit the snack stand to pass the time. You still couldn't spot Alcina or any of the girls. After grabbing more grub, you planned to join them. On your way to find them, you whipped out your phone and texted Alcina about her whereabouts until you bumped into somebody.

Feeling self-conscious of not paying attention to where you were walking, your eyes met a painted, multicolored face of a clown. He wore a classic red nose with dark lining running vertically over his whale-blue eyelids. It was disturbing, to say in the least. It was even surprising to encounter a clown at this small-town carnival. Why kids would want to go near them was mind-boggling to you. They terrified you as a kid, and that fear wasn't a particular one you had yet outgrown.

Flashing him a polite and tight smile, you backed away from him. "Excuse me, I'm sorry for running into you like that." Wearing his polka dot top with blue and red stripes streaking down his silky pants, he shifted his body robotically and locked eyes with you. He didn't utter a word or even blink at you.

Nervously, you spoke up louder. "Uh, my apologies." You darted your gaze away from his deadpanned and unfriendly face. When you moved past him, he honked his clown horn and startled you. Looking back at him, he was still staring at you with that freaky, colored face of his. Narrowing your eyes out of agitation and uneasiness, you turned around and carried on to find Alcina and Daniela with a sense of immediacy.

Your spirits lifted when you finally found them at the booth. Daniela was hollering and raving about how she kept missing, while Alcina continued to knock over each milk bottle like a pro.

"Mother, you are at a clear advantage! Your arms are way longer!"

Smirking at her youngest daughter, she threw her ball into the air and then hurled it at another bottle. A perfect hit. "You only need to aim better, my dear."

"I am aiming! This wind is causing my balls to curve or something!"

Running up from behind Daniela, you blew on her earlobe. "There's no wind, though." Alarmed, she pursed her lips at you and shot you a fake pout.

"There you are," Alcina smiled, placing her ball down on the stand and welcoming you. "I was wondering when you'd come and find us. Did you grow bored?"

"Yeah, a little. I think Cass and Bel are still on that spinning ride."

"I'm astonished that Cassandra hasn't yet vomited all that junk food she ate."

"She'll no doubt barf it all up in the car," Daniela added, giggling and then fuming when she missed yet again.

Her mother's face went blank. "That is not happening. We just had the car detailed last Monday."

"And we may need them to redo it this coming Monday. Are you both almost done playing? I thought we could try out that House of Mirrors. It looks pretty in depth and fun."

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