Lost Memories

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Your eyes hurt. The brightness of the hospital lights were blinding. When you turned your head, all you wanted to do was take the pillow and cover your face with it. Someone needed to turn them off.

"Ma'am? I see you're awake again. Are you feeling all right?"

You squinted and saw a woman dressed in a nurse's uniform, glancing down at you with concern. She checked your vital signs and her clipboard. "The doctor will be here shortly. Do you need me to adjust your pillow?"

"Uh, I'm fine. Could you turn down the brightness of the lights, though? They're hurting my eyes. Why am I in a hospital?"

She adjusted the operating panel and lowered the settings. "You've been in a coma for the last few days. You had an accident during a family outing. The doctor is coming in, I'll let him fill you in on the rest, and then you can ask him any questions you have. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Ah, and she's awake again. Good." The doctor had just walked in to greet you. A tired but sincere smile was visible on his face. "Y/N? I'm Dr. Hale. How are you feeling?"

Your mind was in such a fog that you couldn't even process what the nurse had told you about having been in an accident and then coming out of a coma. "I feel a bit light-headed and tired, those lights were really bright."

"We're sorry about that. I think we've dimmed them now. Is that easier on your eyes now?"


"Tell me, Y/N, can you tell me what you remember? Do you know why you're here?"

Lowering your eyebrows, your fingers fiddled with the scratchy white blanket. Your mind struggled to remember much of anything. "No. I was told that I was in an accident?"

"Yes, you were, you had a pretty nasty fall. You were hiking and got on top of a high rock to pose for a picture. You slipped and fell off of it. Thankfully, the drop wasn't high enough for you to break bones, but you landed on your head unfortunately. You lost consciousness and became comatose. But your wife and daughters have been there for you every moment."

That completely shocked you. You had a wife? You had daughters? Hell, you must've missed something because the last thing you remembered, you were very much a single Pringle.

You gulped. "I have a wife and daughters?" And just how many daughters did you have? Two? Three? Eight?

"Your wife's name is Alcina. You have three daughters: Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. Do those names sound familiar to you?"

You shook your head. Those were lovely names, but they didn't ring a bell to you. How come all of this wasn't clear to you? "No, they don't." Finding out you were married and that you had a family was too much to take in.

"Okay, well, they are very anxious to see you. They'll be happy to know that you're well for the most part, and that they can even take you home this afternoon." With a sad smile, the doctor took a seat on his round stool and scooted it closer to your bed. "This is going to come as a shock to you, and while all of this is going to sound really overwhelming to you, I do have good news for both you and your family. You suffer from something called dissociative amnesia. This specific type of memory loss is often caused by stressful or traumatic events. Like being in a car accident, or being a victim of a crime. In your case, it was a bad fall to the head. Your mind is going to have some gaps. With dissociative amnesia, and depending on how extensive it is, an individual may forget their personal information. Their name, perhaps. Their history. Their family and friends. The best thing to do is to give yourself time as you slowly try to remember everything you can. It would be good for you to be with your family and to maintain a regular routine with them. I talked to your wife, Alcina, and she's going to help make this easier for you. We don't want to add too much variety and new things to you, as you're already going through enough of that right now. Is it all right with you if they can come in to see you?"

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