Lost Memories (Happy Ending)

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[A big thanks goes to LycorisAltair for suggesting alternative endings and for giving me continual inspiration and ideas for writing. I couldn't decide which ending to post first, so I've posted both of them and will leave that choice with all of you. Here's the happy ending! As always, you're all incredible and I am grateful for your continued support and kindness!]

"I am pleased with the progress all of you are making," the therapist said. "If your wife's amnesia proves long-term, I think it would benefit all of you to continue with these sessions. Daniela is still seeing Dr. Miller, correct? As is your wife?"

With her hands resting on her lap, Alcina reminded herself to keep her leg from shaking. A subtle annoyance stemming from her anxiety. "That's correct."

"For these last few months, I know you've expressed your positive observations and how there's been significant improvement regarding your daughters' connection to Y/N. Do you feel that their parent-child communication has only gotten better?"

"Absolutely. I'd say that, especially for Cassandra. I worried she was growing distant from her mom over the holidays, but after having several sessions with you, she talks to her like she would from before. This has been a good place to give voice to her frustrations."

"Cassandra has struggled a lot with her anger. A very normal response after what all of you have been through since the accident. But like I said, the progress I've seen so far has been positive. She is doing much better with expressing her frustration rather than internalizing all of it, which would only subject her to more pain while distancing herself further from all of you. The fact that she's not doing that is a huge step in the right direction. I'd feel encouraged, Alcina. Your daughters' coping skills are improving, as is their bond with their mom and you. And concerning you, I sense you're holding back a little. Is there something on your mind?"

Alcina was amazed to find herself in a situation like this. Initially, she had insisted on family therapy for her daughters and for you, yet she had resisted the idea of needing any type of help for herself. Perhaps it was her pride. It only took one heated argument with her girls for them to convince her she needed it just as much as they did. They were right. "Is it selfish of me for missing my wife? It's been a long year..."

"You mean missing the memories you shared? No. Missing your wife and who she was to you from before is valid. You are not selfish. You have done all that you can to uphold your family while loving and being there for them. You're doing all the right things for your daughters and for Y/N. But the question I have for you is if you're doing that for yourself? Are you still journaling your thoughts?"


"Then I encourage you to keep doing that and to avoid stifling any fearful or negative thoughts you're having. You're a strong woman. I know you've told me how you put on a brave front for the sake of your family, but you must remember that a strong person can hold up their family while feeling down themselves. It's no crime for you to battle with feelings of inadequacy, hopelessness, or depression. They need you just as much as you need them; you don't have to act stronger than how you feel. You have this caring desire to always be there for them for whenever they fall apart, but keep in mind that everyone needs help. Allow them to support you when you struggle."

Inclining her head, she gave the therapist a respectful nod. "I understand."

This treatment plan was working accordingly. Daniela was doing much better with one-on-one therapy. After seeing the family therapist, she'd then have one weekly session with Dr. Miller, so she could keep working through her guilt and attack any condemning thoughts that threatened to drag her back down. Alcina noticed a lightness to her spirit. She cried less. Blamed herself less. She was finally reaching the place of acknowledging that your fall wasn't her fault. The forgiveness she desperately sought from you wasn't necessary. As for Cassandra and Bela, they opted to be paired during their sessions. Cassandra focused her efforts on being more vulnerable with unveiling her anxieties and expressing her anger in healthy ways. Bela gained a clearer perspective of how a family functions and what role she could take on as the eldest to improve communicative skills and sowing seeds of peace among her siblings and for herself. Together, they were adjusting to this new way of living with the shared hope that you would come back to them.

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