Taste and Tea

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Your finger lazily traced the golden rim of the Romanian teacup. The warmth radiating from it felt wonderful on your cold hands. Quirking your eyebrow at Bela, you watched her as she added copious amounts of sugar into her teacup. That amount would likely ruin the taste of the tea flavor.

Miriam leaned toward you from her seat, whispering, "What is she doing?"

You shrugged and lifted the delicate cup to your lips, taking a sip. "I've no idea. I just know that I prefer mine without sugar."

"We can hear you!" Angie jumped from Donna's lap and onto the table. "Don't you know that whispering's rude? If you've got something to say, share it with all of us. Don't be shy!" Donna gave Angie a grin of approval from underneath her veil as she enjoyed her black tea.

Miriam blushed and glanced down at her lap. "I apologize. It was not my place to question your preference, Lady Bela."

"Lady Bela?" she parroted teasingly, shooting her a look of bewilderment. "You're killing me, Miriam. You can just call me Bela. There's no need to be so formal."

"Now, now, miss! This is a tea party, is it not?" Daniela corrected her eldest sister. "We welcome such formal titles." She then turned to her other sister. "Dearest, would you be kind so kind as to pass the platter?"

Cassandra held back a hard eye-roll and carelessly shoved the tray toward her. It was filled with a variety of sweet delicacies. "What's with the Victorian accent?"

"This is a proper tea party, which means we must have proper etiquette. There are rules to follow."

Cassandra leaned back in her chair and placed her arms behind her head. "Yeah, the rules, I get, but the ridiculous accent? Not so much. My version of a tea party involves wild dancing on the table, breaking open the kegs of wine, singing Bardcore songs, or maybe throwing pastries at each other?" 

Angie twirled around in fast circles with her dress flaring out. "Ooh, you got me at the dancing part!"

"Throwing pastries? That's so childish," Daniela remarked.

"It's better than this dull party. I mean, what are we supposed to discuss? The weather? Broken hearts? We need revelry! Who's with me?" Cassandra threw her arm up and held it, waiting.

"ME!" Angie screeched excitedly, waving her arms in the air as she started singing a foreign chant.

"Uh, sorry, Cass," Bela apologized. "I think you're on your own. Mother wouldn't dare let anyone stand on the table, anyway."

"And she will join us shortly," you reminded, feeling a glimmer of happiness at having your lover coming soon.

Cassandra pushed her chair out and threw her hands up. "Very well, I have a different idea, then. Everyone, close your eyes!" She commanded the servants to gather near her.

"But, why?"

"Just trust me! I have a surprise for all of you."

"Oooooh! How I love surprises!" Angie whooped. She clapped and waltzed around the table, shaking it and knocking over the salt and pepper shakers. Donna then covered her eyes.

Daniela grimaced and rubbed her eyebrow in annoyance. "I don't trust you."

"You never do," Cassandra retorted. "If you do this for me, I'll let you have the first kill on our next hunt, and you can carve whatever animal we capture."

"And you have to lend me your dagger."

"But that's my favor–fine, the dagger, too. Now, will you please shut your eyes, your royal highness?"

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu