Be the Light in My Darkness Part 5

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When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by a familiar room you had not seen since your childhood years. You heard soft whimpering sounds coming from a figure hiding underneath the blankets in a small, single bed. In this bedroom, shadows of horses galloped across the walls as a tempestuous wind whistled through the half-open window.

"Mom?" the small voice yelled in panic. "Mom!"

Turning your head, you noticed a sliver of light shining from under the bedroom door. Footsteps approached at a rapid pace, and then you saw her. She pushed the door open, and you could see her wearing her typical, blue hospital scrubs after having finished another long shift. Those scrubs were something that you held on to after losing her, which you kept  folded in your drawer. Each time you'd pull out her uniform, you'd smell it — it'd always have that powerfully calming effect on you, evoking some of your fondest memories of her.

Filled with genuine concern, she sat on the bed and attempted to placate the scared child. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

When the figure peeked their head out from under the sheets, you glimpsed a much younger version of yourself staring wide-eyed at your mother. Upon realizing that you were in a lucid dream, you found yourself in a fixed position in the corner of your room, watching this long-forgotten memory unfold in front of you. This was your grandfather's spare room where you would stay. As a child, you and your mom would make trips out to your grandpa's ranch during the summer to spend more time together. Baking pies, riding horses, hiding behind the hay piles, chasing and running away from baby goats were just a handful of the wonderful experiences that would positively shape your childhood.

"I'm scared! I don't like the dark!" Your younger self took cover under the sheets once more after another gust of air howled through the window.

"One second, hon, that wind isn't helping." You watched your mother rush over to the window to slam it shut and then pull the curtains over them. She turned around and starting searching for something. "Honey? Where did your little friend go?" She sang and called for your horse, "Gracie? Gracie?" She found it on the floor by your bed post. "Oh, there she is! She ran off on you again. Here, you have to hold her tightly." The younger you gratefully accepted and embraced your favorite stuffed animal.

Your mom placed her hands on her hips, scanning your room. "Now that you've got Gracie with you, let's see what we can do about the dark. Ah, there's our problem," she snapped her fingers and pointed at the wall, "we forgot to turn on your night light." Moving around your bed, she bent down and flicked it on. "There we go, now you have some light. No more darkness, okay?"

You crawled out from under the covers and hugged your horse in your arms. Reaching out for her arm, you clung to her with desperation and fear. "But I don't want to be alone..."

She rubbed your back. "You're not alone, you have Gracie with you. And you know I'm only down the hall, one room away from yours."

Looking up at her, your little body squirmed closer to her. "Can't I be with you just for tonight?"

Feeling drowsy, she let out a long yawn before nodding her head. "Just for tonight. But remember that you've always got your night light next to you."

"It's not very bright."

"And that's okay. Because sometimes we only need a little light to help us see where we're going."

Your younger self rubbed your sleepy eyes. "But what if it's not enough? Like, what if I fall down?"

"Then you keep your eyes focused on that light and let it help you find your feet again." She tucked your messy, wild hair behind your ear. "You'll find your way as long as you don't lose sight of it."

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