Love's Promise

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Sitting on the stairs outside the courtyard, you kicked at a rock and continued to mope. Your shoulders sunk as you heaved a sigh of despair. Using your arm sleeve, you wiped at the few tears that had managed to escape from your eyes. You loathed conflicting with your lover, and you hated how you hurt her. The wounded look on her face was an image you could not erase from your mind. What was worse, was that you knew you were the one at fault. 

Earlier that morning, Alcina had assigned you to interview the newcomer seeking a cooking position at Castle Dimitrescu. The newcomer was an older gentleman who wished to offer his skills elsewhere. The interview with him was going smoothly until Alcina came into the room and stood by the wall. Sensing her eyes watching you, you bristled because it was as if she didn't trust you enough to handle this interview.

For the past few weeks, she followed you around and monitored everything you did. She still wouldn't let you make trips to the village without someone accompanying you. She'd ask questions about your activities, and constantly inquire where you've been whenever you were out of her sight for a certain amount of time. It grated on your nerves, and you sometimes felt inadequate. You wondered if she doubted your proficiency.

After you had dismissed the gentleman and instructed him to head to the kitchen, where the other workers would help him learn his new duties, you turned toward your lover and gave her a frown. "Alcina? What are you doing here?"

"I was checking on you and making sure the interview was going well."

"Did you think it wouldn't go well or something?" Your tone was crisp, betraying your agitation.

"Not necessarily," Alcina responded, noting the obvious change in your mood. "I only wished to know that everything was fine."

"Everything was fine. Did you not think I could handle it?"

Moving away from the wall with wariness, she approached you with caution. "If I didn't think you could, I wouldn't have had you interview him."

"Why are you here, then?

"Am I not allowed to be where I wish within my own castle?"

"Well, this was an interview between us."

"And it was your first one. I came in to see if it was going all right.

"Of course it was!"

She raised her eyebrow at your outburst and took on a guarded position. "I fail to understand your frustration. Why are you upset?" 

"I'm upset because you keep treating me like I can't do anything by myself!"

She gave you an empty stare. "Do you care to elaborate?"

"You won't let me go to the village without someone going with me. You keep track of where I am at all times, even when I'm inside the castle. You won't let me visit any of the other lords' strongholds, and now you won't let me finish a one-on-one interview without being nearby."

Sadness clouded her features as she listened to you. "Well, the last time you made a trip to the village alone, that horrendous man-thing abducted you. Do you not recall that?"

"That's hardly fair. He could've done that to anyone. I just so happened to be his target at that time."

"Because you were traveling alone that day, when I had insisted that you take someone with you!"

"That's exactly what I'm talking about! You're always telling me to take someone with me. You don't ask me if I want company. And you can't isolate that one terrible incident and think that'll happen to me every single time."

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