The Union of Hearts (Conclusion)

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At the sound of a horn, the cavalry charged forward and forced your enemies to scatter. They were quick to turn around and retreat to their city. You then beheld the woman clad in royal armor dismount her steed and rush to you.

You jumped off your horse and ran to her, hardly believing that she was here and wrapping you in a much needed hug. "Alcina! You came! How are you here? I—what am I even saying? I can't tell you how elated I am to see your face!"

Beaming down at you, she squeezed you tighter. "I can say the same." Her hands then cupped your face. With gentleness, she turned your head from one side to the other, scrutinizing every detail to ensure you had suffered no harm. "They hurt you, didn't they?"

"They—" Suddenly distracted, you couldn't complete your sentence. Your mind entered a panicked state as you realized you were unaware of what befell your group of soldiers. Where was your friend? The captain? The trio of sisters? Had they made it? "Alcina, I will explain everything to you, but we have to find the others."

You could see the distress written all over her face. "Where is everyone?"

"I don't know. We broke away from one another during our escape. And the girls! Mahil had Bela with him and then Cassandra and Daniela had shared a horse together and—"

Your wife raised her hand at you, signaling you to slow down your talking pace. "What girls? Who are Cassandra and Daniela?"

"Let me put it this way: I might've made some friends during my time in captivity? Just think of them as allies. Like I said, I'll explain everything soon, but I cannot rest until I know they're all safe."

As to not waste any time with more questions, Alcina gave you a sharp nod and returned to her horse as you did. Together, you rode off with her group of soldiers. You were filled with more hope now that you had your wife with you.

Meanwhile, your friend was on edge, feeling like she was being consumed by paranoia. Alarmed by the sound of a twig snapping somewhere nearby, Donna jumped to feet and peered through the darkness, looking behind each bush and tree. Not knowing whether their enemies were still searching for them or not, she knew they couldn't risk building a fire right now.

"Captain?" Staring down at her slouched form against a tree trunk and how low she hung her head, Donna grew more concerned for her with each passing moment. "Miranda? Are you still with me?"

Kneeling to her level, Donna pressed her palm against her cheek. Her skin was clammy. She appeared ever more sickly and Donna feared that she'd lose her life. "Captain? I need to know you're here. Could you, uh, perhaps raise a finger or shake your foot to let me know you're alive?"

"I'm here," Miranda groaned, her lips barely moving. She struggled to lift her chin. "Your—fretting will only worsen things."

'Excuse me for caring about your life,' Donna thought to herself, her face twisting into a scowl. "Good to know you're conscious. Just hang on for a little longer, okay? I know they're coming for us."

"Just go and find them. Once you do, you can lead them back here."

"And leave you here all by yourself to slowly bleed to death? Not happening. With all due respect, captain, that's a poor call. You're not getting rid of me that easily. I am staying here with you."

"I gave you an order," she hissed at her, blinking back her tears. Her pain continually wracked her. If she were to perish like this, she didn't want Donna to be present. She wanted her to be reunited with you and get as far away from here as possible.

"I'm not a part of your infantry, and as I've told you before, I'm no soldier." Donna shed her armor and let it fall to the ground. Giving the captain an awkward hug on her undamaged side, the weaver attempted to warm her. "I once told Y/N that she got stuck with me when she became my friend, so that's what I'm going to tell you: You're stuck with me, too."

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