The Wrong Job

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"Mom! This isn't fair!"

You set down the watering can and wiped the dirt off your gloves before acknowledging your hormonal and youngest teenager. "What's not fair, Daniela?"

She paced back and forth in the yard, wearing a deep scowl on her face. You hoped she wouldn't come closer and step on any of the flowers you just planted.

"Cass and Bela! They're taking the car tonight and I need it!"

You sighed and sat down in the grass. "Why do you need it?"

"Because Emily offered me a babysitting job that's offering good money, and they need a sitter tonight."

"Wait, a babysitting job?" You turned your head to look at her. Emily was her best friend. "Why does Emily need a babysitter? I thought she only had an older sister in college?"

"No, not for her. For her friend's neighbors."

"Friend's neighbors?" You couldn't keep the confusion out of your tone. "So you don't even know them at all? Who are Emily's friend's neighbors? Actually, who is her friend, first?"

"It's just one of our friends from our group. Apparently these neighbors are close to her, and they asked if she knew anyone who'd be interested in the job. Emily knows she isn't very good with kids, and neither is her friend, so they asked if I wanted it," she explained.

"So you don't even know these folks at all?"

"No, I've never met them, but she said they're very nice. It's just a man and his wife living in an apartment on the west side of town. They want to go out on a date, and they need someone to look after their baby."

"Baby? Dani, have you ever looked after a baby? I know you've done several other babysitting jobs with older kids, but a baby is something else."

"Well, technically no. But how hard can it be? They don't run around like elementary kids who stick their fingers in the oven, break their big toe, or fall off trampolines."

"No, they don't. Yet, babies are very fragile and need constant care and attention. They're different from kids."

"It's true," Daniela said, shrugging her shoulders. "But remember that class you and Mother made me take last summer? It was a babysitting course that taught people how to perform CPR on infants and children, and meeting the needs of different age groups. I passed it and learned a lot about how to burp them, change their diapers, how to be attentive, and other stuff like that."

"I'm thankful you took that course. But you still have had no experience with a baby before."

"But everyone has to start somewhere, right? Even you once said that you used to babysit a lot when you were younger. I'm sure you looked after babies?"

"I did."

"Then you should let me have my first experience! I promise I'll do a good job, Mom. I'll meet the baby's every need."

"I don't doubt how well you'll do, Dani. I just don't know this couple at all."

"If it makes you feel any better, the wife runs a daycare?"

"I still don't know them, though." You got up and started collecting your garden tools. "How long would they need a babysitter?"

"Like four hours? Six to ten, I think? My friend said they'll pay well!"

You debated about letting her go or not. She made a fair point. Everyone had to start somewhere. The apartment complex on the west side of town wasn't too far. It was only about a ten-minute drive. If there were any issues, she could call or text you, and you'd be there.

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora