Come Back Home (Conclusion)

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Eight years had passed since the day you fled from Castle Dimitrescu. Not a day had gone by that you didn't think of them. Your family. The first couple of years brought about pure sorrow for you. You wandered and searched for a new place to belong. Unfortunately for you, the first few weeks proved grueling.

Had it not been for the Fishcier family, you wouldn't have made it. They found you near Moreau's Reservoir, sick and nearly frozen half to death after you collapsed from exhaustion and hunger. They brought you to their quaint, rickety lake house, which no one would suspect was livable. Over the years, this humble shack would keep you well hidden.

After they nursed you back to health, they offered you a place to stay with them in exchange for reading lessons. This meek family owned very little in the world, and with the few worn books they possessed, they treated them like treasure. Having had full access to the library at the castle and its countless books, you were more than qualified to teach them.

Their only daughter, Sofia, was something special. Such an innovative and kindhearted young girl. She had the biggest crush on you ever since they had welcomed you as a part of their family. Being with her reminded you of the Dimitrescu daughters. You were positive that the girls would love her if they were given the opportunity to meet.

One afternoon, Sofia had told you of the rumors flying through the village that Mother Miranda was gone. Although her demise was not specified, you felt such an overpowering sense of relief to know that her reign of terror had ended. No more barbarous experiments or sacrifices. This was the day when you decided to return to Castle Dimitrescu.

Hugging them goodbye was difficult. They had become like your second family; you owed them everything. You made a vow that you'd visit them again, and depending on how circumstances unfolded, you'd bring them many more books for them to devour now that they were proficient readers. It was such a saddening departure, but you had to remember that this was not the end. Not by a long shot.

As you traveled back to Castle Dimitrescu, you had much to ponder. You couldn't begin to recount how many times you had almost gone back, how you were mere inches away from knocking on that front door, and how you envisioned those faces you cherished and missed beyond belief. Your heart knew where it belonged. It needed to be near those it valued most.

Approaching the castle grounds and sighting the doors of the Entrance Hall, you remembered your nightmares during all those years. In your nightmares, when you burst through those doors, you could hear the daughters' heart-rending cries calling out to you. When you turned around, you were haunted by that same broken-hearted expression of Lady Dimitrescu as she watched you flee from her. Shortly after, you'd dream about Mother Miranda capturing and torturing you in various and morbid ways, which never failed to jolt you from your sleep.

After all this time, you questioned if any of them desired to see you again. Perhaps they had forgotten about you. You even entertained the thought that they may have been thrilled with the fact that you were out of their lives. A nuisance that wasn't needed or wanted. You crumbled from your self-disparaging thoughts.

With a shaky breath, you raised your fist and banged on the doors. Your heart beat out of your chest, waiting for someone to answer. You stopped breathing when they opened. It was Mary.

"Who are you?" she demanded in a crisp tone, looking you up and down with marked wariness. "Do you have a message to deliver? Because if not, we no longer have any staff positions available."

You pointed to yourself and smiled gently at her. It was so nice to see a familiar face. "Mary. It's me."

"Eh?" Her eyebrows snapped together, she squinted her beady eyes at you. "No, you can't be...she ran away long ago."

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