The Castle's Nuisance (Conclusion)

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Rolling over and watching her dress, you couldn't keep yourself from letting out a drowsy yawn while resting your chin on her pillow. You enjoyed this view of her. "So, you're going to carry me all day, right?"

Smoothing out her hair and slipping into her usual attire, she tipped her head to you and quirked her brow. "You were being serious about that?"

"Yes. Only if you're willing. I'd be very curious to see how long you could carry little ol' me around. Who knows, I might prove too heavy for you."

"Heavy," she mimicked, letting out a somewhat mocking laugh.

"What's with that laugh? I meant what I said. What if you tire out and can't carry me around?"

"Because imagine yourself carrying around your pillow all day long, hm? Would that prove too heavy for you?"

You shook your head and continued to pluck the goose feathers out of her pillow. "No, it only weighs less than two pounds."

She smirked to herself. "That is what it's like for me when I carry you around."

You gasped. "Are you calling me a pillow? But you've only carried me for, at most, several minutes, not all day. I bet I'd be heavy for you at the very end of it."

Alcina narrowed her eyes on you. "Is that a challenge?"

You lifted a finger and gave her a come-hither look. "It might be. The rule is that you cannot set me down on any ground or else you'll lose, and then you must admit weakness."

That raised her hackles as she came at you at lightning speed. Something savage flashed through her golden eyes as she regarded you like prey. It was fleeting, yet you knew what you saw. "And what if I win?"

You waved your hand around in a clueless manner, shrugging your shoulders. "Uh, you get a...prize? I'm still working on what that would be, though."

She sat down on the bed and started stretching out her back. "Well, I could think of a few things. If you need any inspiration, let me know. So, are you planning to dress first, or do you prefer to be carried in your naked state?"

Your face turned rosy red as you scrambled out from under the covers to dress. "Dressed, of course! You'll lose half of your staff if they see you walking around the castle with me being stark naked in your arms. We'll start as soon as we leave this room."

Alcina clasped her hands together, humming as she swept her eyes over you. "It's not as if I'd mind."

"Our daughters certainly will. We must protect their eyes. "Right, I'm all dressed. Are you ready?"

Standing up from your bed, she moved closer to you and extended out her arms, waiting on you. "Whenever you're ready."

You raised your arms up to her, allowing her to scoop you up like a child. She angled your body to where it was like you could sit on her arm, much like how one could recline in a chair. Her arms proved stalwart. You felt more like a feather in her hold. Perhaps this challenge would be too easy for your wife.

"This is oddly comfortable." You shifted your weight around. "So, shall we join our family for breakfast?"

She ducked through the doorway with you. "I would like that."

It was a bit awkward when the girls kept pausing from taking bites of their food to stare at you sitting in their mother's lap. Not that you could blame them. It was one thing to sit next to the mistress, yet another thing to be sitting on her.

Bela continued to scrape her plate with her fork until she waved it at you. "What's happening here? Why are you sitting on Mother like that?" In her eyes, you looked like a toddler being spoon-fed your meal. For you, it just seemed easier if you and Alcina shared the same plate together. Besides, she wasn't as much of a big eater as you were, which was comical considering her size. Her tastes and what she found to be delectable were so different from yours.

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