A Heated Bath

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Mentioning that she was going to run a bath, Lady Dimitrescu kindly requested that you bring her fresh, white towels to the Hall of Ablution. After finishing your task, you grabbed a set of large towels and made your way to the lavish room where she awaited your arrival. You certainly didn't want to keep her waiting.

Once you reached the entrance, you announced your entry, pushing the door open with your arm. The bathroom was gorgeous: the central bath was extravagantly decorated in acrylic and the round tub's rims consisted of pure gold. You were astonished by the remarkable design of Castle Dimitrescu; you had never seen anything this opulent in your lifetime.

While admiring the structure of the room, you then made eye contact with Lady Dimitrescu, who was seated in the bath and facing you. She was naked. Stark naked. You didn't see everything, though. She was submerged in water, which was filled with a particular soap that caused it to appear opaque. Therefore, only her clavicles, neck, and face were visible. Her skin glowed as the water trickled down her delicate, ghostly skin. 

'She took your breath away.

"Are you just going to stand there and continue to gawk at me? Or will you come over here and assist me?" Alcina requested. She was quite amused by your stunned expression.

Your eyes widened. Did you just hear her correctly? You shuffled your feet. Her presence always had such a strange and powerful effect on you. "Um, M'Lady?"

"I would like you to assist me with bathing, darling." She gestured at the detergent bottle beside her. "Just place the towels over there on the bench and come rub some of this in your hands."

Doing as you were told, you discarded the towels on the bench and then walked over to her. You kneeled and took the soap, squeezing the bottle into your palms. It smelled of lavender.

"Good girl," Alcina said. She sat up. You examined the length of her back and the size of her breasts. "Now, please rub it on."

She curved her spine, so you could reach. Gulping, you rubbed your hands together; you started at the top of her spine. You made circular motions as you made your way down along her back, getting closer to the base of her vertebra. Once you got close enough, you removed your hands. "Your back is finished, M'Lady."

"Good. Now please do me another favor and wash my legs." Alcina lifted one of them out of the water and scooted closer to you. "You may wish to dispose of your pants, dear, I wouldn't want your clothes wet."

You felt your heart skip a beat. Unless you wanted your clothes to be wet, you needed to remove your work pants so you could better access her legs. You'd also have to hike up your top so as not to get that wet, either. Bashfully pulled off your trousers, you noticed her gazing at your slender legs. To save yourself from becoming red-faced, you quickly entered the water and pushed your hair back. You hunkered down and applied more soap.

Alcina extended her long leg toward you. With one hand, you supported her ankle while your other one trailed up her muscular calf. Her pale skin was divinely smooth. Your hands inched their way up the length of her leg, beyond her kneecap, and then to her inner thigh. Small beads of sweat formed on your forehead. It was either from the condensation or from your arousal.

She gasped when your hands stroked and traced her inner thigh. Her eyelashes fluttered, and her breathing became irregular.  "Te rog nu te opri." She craned her head back and kept her eyes shut.

Puzzled by what she said, you pulled back, thinking she was perhaps uncomfortable. You bit the inside of your cheek as your eyes ran over her taut stomach; her voluptuous breasts expanded with her heavy, slow breathing as her nipples hardened. Her face was angelic. Taking in her full beauty, you felt something pool between your legs.

Standing up, you offered a shy smile. "I am finished, Lady Dimitrescu." You then noted your panties were wet. Letting out an exasperated sigh, you knew you could change out of them after you left.

"My, my, dear girl." Alcina licked her lips, speaking in her more sultry tone. "It seems you are positively wet for me." You opened your mouth, but no words came out. Her affectionate laugh brought on that blush you tried so hard to keep at bay.  She allowed her leg to slip back into the water. "Thank you for your lovely assistance. I can finish the rest from here. You may take your leave if you wish."

Shaking the water off your hands, you got out and slipped your pants back on fast, not even bothering to dry your legs off. You needed to vacate this room as soon as possible. You were experiencing way too many emotions, and the steam was not helping at all. Rushing out of the Hall of Ablution, you collided with Bela.

"Woah, careful there!" Bela raised her arms and steadied you. "Slow down! What are you doing here?"

"I was bringing towels to your mother."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Towels?"

"Your mother requested them for her bath, so I brought them to her." 

"That's kind of strange. Mother always has her own set of towels with her. If she forgets, she requests one of the maids to fetch them and place them outside the door. She doesn't allow anyone inside during her bathing time." Bela's mouth suddenly formed an o-shaped expression. "Did you two do something naughty in there? Like taking a bath together and other things?"

Your moment of hesitation told her everything she needed to know.

"Oh my God, you did!" Bela squealed, giving a happy clap and then leaning into you. "Tell me, tell me! What happened? I bet it was smoking hot!" How she loved poking fun at you.

"Bela–stop! I am not going there with you or having this conversation right now." You pushed past her, batting her hands away as she attempted to cling to you and extract the juicy details.

Whatever passionate incident transpired in that room, you now realized that Alcina Dimitrescu wanted you. It was undeniable. That fact brought a smile to your face.  When Bela continued to badger you, you let out a genuine laugh. There was no way you were going to share how heated things had become between you and the beautiful woman who had your heart.


Te rog nu te opri = Please don't stop

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