The Soldier Part 3

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Alcina's palm pressed against her daughter's forehead to check her temperature. "You're fine, Daniela."

Before her hand could slip away, Daniela snatched it and placed it back on her head again. "But I'm injured, too! Take care of me! I can feel myself boiling. It's so hot!"

"You caught your leg on a post and sustained a minor scratch. You will not die."

"What if I do, though? I could get a staph infection, and then you'd have to cut my whole leg off!"

After hearing her daughter's fake mewling, Alcina slapped her foot. "Don't speak such nonsense! Now, stand up!"

"I can't! I'm in too much pain, remember?"

Their mother had had enough of this. Ever since you became well enough to stand on your own two legs and move about, her daughters switched between being your nurses, or acting like they were the ones who were critically injured. Their behavior of wanting their mother's constant attention or following you around like adoring puppies left this house teeming with zest.

You then came in through the front door, having completed your most recent chore of pruning the dead vines in their fields. Wiping the droplets of perspiration off your skin, you hovered over Alcina's shoulder, taking an interest in what all the fuss was about. "Oh, no. Dani? Did you hurt yourself?"

Alcina craned her neck to look up at you. "Don't pamper her. She has taken it upon herself to be the queen of drama today."

In her frivolous nature, Daniela wagged her finger at the both of you. "Necessary drama because I'm injured!"

Her mother's face remained dispassionate. "Yes, you've made that clear more than once."

"Move over." You shoved Alcina out of your way and yanked up each arm sleeve. "Certified medic here!" Evaluating her wound, you extracted a centimeter-long splinter above Daniela's ankle. "Ah, we've found the source of your agony, ma'am. I'm afraid I've bad news for you, kid. A dagger wound."

Alcina gasped from behind you, raising her hand to her chest. "A dagger dear!" She then fell to Daniela's side and cupped her daughter's chin. "What a grave wound you've suffered. I must keep you inside your room until you have recovered. I'll have your sisters check in on you from time to time — once or twice a month."

"Mother!" Daniela whined, flopping her arms in defeat against the armrests of her chair.

Alcina leaned in to peck her youngest child on the cheek. "In fact, I may need to take you to the hospital myself. We'll pick you up before the harvest."

"Mean!" Daniela sprung out of her seat, sticking her nose in the air. "So mean! I knew it! You want me out of the house! Fine, I'll forge my path of destiny, and I'll purchase a vineyard myself! I'll call it Dimitrescu Winery."

"Best of luck to you." Alcina hugged her smaller frame and gave her a loving pat on the head. "My little girl is growing up so fast."

Although Alcina was only playing along in this game with you and Daniela, a piece of her heart wanted to hold on to her baby for as long as she could. It only seemed like a week ago that she was chasing her children throughout her vineyard. Her 7-year-old daughters used to hide among her grapevines. They were quite sly and quieter than most would suspect. Sometimes they'd even cheat and creep their way back into the manor house, leaving her to scour the fields until dusk. But no matter how well the trio of sisters could hide, their mother would always find them.

"Bidding farewell so soon?" Bela poked Daniela in the ribs and clapped her hands together with joy. "Marvelous! Cass and I have been meaning to transform your room into a blacksmithing forge."

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