The Heart of this Castle

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"Remember to breathe."

Opening your eyes, you were met by the lovely face of your wife looking down at you. Under the covers, your hand wandered and found hers. "I am breathing."

She arched her back like a cat on a stretch before lowering herself on you. "Every time I touch you like this, I can hear how your heartbeat drops. It's rather adorable."

You bit your lip and felt the heaviness of her breasts resting on your chest. "Well, what can I say? Your very beauty chases away my desire to breathe in your commanding presence."

You could feel how her body shook with laughter. "Was that your attempt at dirty talk? Because that was dreadful."

Running your fingers down her slim stomach, you poked it. "Hey, I meant what I said!"

She then captured your lower lip in between her teeth, tugging at the skin carefully and then releasing it. "I know you did."

Your hands tickled the side of her ribs, tracing the outline of them. You couldn't get enough of how smooth she was against your fingertips. "I'm addicted to your skin. It's much softer."

For a fraction of a second, her anger was roused. A deep growl rumbled from within her and clawed its way up her throat. "Softer compared to whom?"

You always found her jealous nature to be somewhat cute, at least when she was threatening to end someone's life over it. "Mine, silly! Unless you're thinking of that maid we hired last week. Her skin was as smooth as silk." Pulling her face down to yours, you brought her in for a heated kiss, allowing you to taste your shared breath.

Becoming lost in the sensation of your kiss, Alcina grabbed your hips with one hand and drove herself harder into you with the other. You pushed your knees up higher, granting her a more comfortable angle to work from for her super-sized self. She reveled in the thought of having an eternity to explore your body and continually finding ways to surprise you.

As she kept on at her pace, with no intention of slowing down, you broke away from the kiss and got an idea. You leaned up closer to her ear and let the warmth of your breath blow on her earlobe. "Can I be on top of you?"

She emitted a childish groan and attempted to distract you by attacking your neck with her lips. You resisted and squirmed beneath her. "Please? I'll promise it'll be worthwhile."

She shook her head and then snatched both your wrists, pinning them down to the mattress. "And relinquish control? Dearest, I would think by now, you would know me better."

"That's the thing." You managed to slip one hand out of her tight hold and rest it on her cheek. "I do know you. Well enough to say that you're a giant softie. And even when you're dominant in bed, you're still the gentle woman I've always known you to be. So, with that being said, can I be on top of you? It's been a while."

Eventually, your wife acceded to your request and brought your naked form up to sit on her lap. Her rhythmic pace did not falter in the slightest. If anything, her breathing only became heavier and more ragged. Her muscular legs held your body like a nest holds a bird. "There, now are you content?"

"Well, I'm sitting on your lap, hon. But I'm not on top of you." You pushed against her well-endowed chest and encouraged her to lie down on her back. Even after gaining immortality and your new abilities, her strength outmatched yours.

Just when she was finally willing, your ears picked up on two pairs of feet moving as fast as a twister, reaching your door. "Uh, Alci?" You couldn't remember if either of you had locked it.

Before Alcina had the chance to respond, the twins charged into your bedchambers. The shock on your wife's face only lasted for a split second before she threw you onto your back and then collapsed on you, using her body to shield you from their pure eyes. It wasn't as if she were any better off, for the sheets barely covered her back. They were slipping off at an agonizing rate. Luckily for the twins, they could only see their mother's shoulders.

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