Lost Memories Part 3

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A woman, who appeared to be in her second trimester, was struggling to turn the busted door handle to your old place. Her young child was tugging at her sleeve, holding his toy cars in one hand. "Mom! What car would you pick? The red one or the yellow bug?"

"Beetle, honey. That car model is called a Volkswagen Beetle."

"Why is it called that? Does it look like a beetle? Cuz' my red one looks like a ladybug, but with no black spots or wings."

"And without six, short legs. I guess you could say it sort of looks like a beetle? Hey, please hold this for me." She handed him one of her bags and finally got it open. After all these years, your landlord never got around to fixing that problem. Some things never changed.

With your hoodie up and hands stuffed in your pockets, you were still out of breath from your jog. A good reminder of why you needed to get back to running. It was pitiful how you were hanging around the corner like this, watching that lady and her son go inside your home.

Home. How far away that sounded to you right now. You had no home. It was neither here nor with Alcina and your daughters.

Looking around this apartment one last time, you headed out past the front desk only to be stopped by a spirited woman, who couldn't be happier to see an old friend again. "Y/N? Is that you?"

Turning around, you were thankful to see a familiar face. "Marcie?"

"It is you!" She placed her mug on the counter to hug you. It was your former neighbor who used to bring you baked goods and meals. Once she learned that your parents were deceased, she felt it was her maternal duty to ensure that your stomach was regularly full. If you ever needed good company, she was there for you. "I haven't seen you in forever! How have you been? How's that family of yours?"

It bothered you that you had no idea how she knew them. "Uh, my family?"

"Yes, your wife and daughters? Is it Alicia? Alysia? Forgive me for my forgetfulness. You know how I've always had trouble remembering names."

"You're good. It's Alcina. And they're doing...fine. We're juggling a lot these days. You know how life sometimes throws you curveballs?"

With an empathetic nod, she gestured to herself. "Absolutely. I've had plenty of those. They are part of, well, life! So how are you really doing? I haven't seen you since the wedding."

The wedding. Your mind went black. You felt terrible for not knowing she had apparently been a guest. What was more disturbing was how she knew more about it than you did. "I've been okay. I mean, sometimes I find myself really overwhelmed, but I push through it and try to focus my efforts on what I can accomplish that day."

"Mm, good on you for figuring things out. Well, like I always tell you, don't be a stranger! You know where I live, and you can visit me anytime. You can bring your family with you, too, if you'd like. Every other weekend, I still bake your favorite cookies!"

Smiling at her, you gave her another hug before leaving. "Then I must stop by to see you soon, Marcie. It was good seeing you."

When you stepped outside, the clouds had enshrouded the sun, making everything seem dull to you. It was like you were trapped in a gray-scale universe where you were more like a vagrant than someone looking for a home. Was this to be your life? Never finding where you belonged or being accepted for who you were currently? It was maddening.

"There you are."

Leaning against the wall outside the apartment, Alcina uncrossed her arms, becoming stone faced while looking at you. Just from her facial tension alone, you knew you had pissed her off in some kind of way.

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