The Beauty of the Sea (Conclusion)

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"Here, drinks on me!" Your friend slammed a mug of ale down in front of you. Your liquor sloshed over the rim and spilled onto the counter, right beside your other drink you had not yet touched. Your poor friend had had one too many and it was beginning to show.

"Uh, Donna? You've a kind spirit, but you already got me one."

With a dopey grin on her face, she plopped into a rickety chair across from you and raised a mug to her lips. "Well, aren't you lucky? You get two drinks to celebrate this special night! Tell me when you're empty and I'll buy you another. Now, you mind repeating what you were saying earlier? Some nonsense involving a mermaid? Oh—wait, let me get Karl over here. He can't miss this. Karl? KARL!"

How he heard her shouting his name over all the merrymaking and chaos of the tavern was impressive. Close to the bar, he was in the middle of a business deal with a younger looking fellow. Not wishing to be interrupted, he lifted his finger at Donna and signaled that he'd be joining you shortly.

"If he doesn't get his arse over here soon," she grumbled, rubbing her temple and fighting off her drowsiness, "I'm not buying his dinner."

"We wouldn't want him to lose his source of income. He's had a bad streak of luck lately, yes?"

"Hardly," she scoffed. "He's a merchant; he never hides the fact that he's trying to get richer. He's only duping that kid into giving him more silver for what that dull knife of his is worth. Don't get me off-topic, what is it about this mermaid?"

You lowered your chin and felt your cheeks grow warmer just from thinking about how that beautiful sea creature had rescued and spoken with you. She herself was like a dream that had raised you out of a nightmare. "So, you know I was telling you about waking up on the beach? Well, it was the mermaid who brought me all the way back to the shore. She saved my life."

Her gaze on you became clouded as she struggled to register your words. "Eh?"

The both of you then whirled your heads around from hearing a loud commotion coming from the bar. Karl was shoved up against a wall by the rather displeased fella. He easily dodged the man's sloppy swing and caught his wrist, driving him back before delivering a heavy, clean blow across his face. The man spun to the floor and stayed there, groaning and cradling his jaw in misery. Onlookers let out their halfhearted gasps of surprise and then resumed their jollification with little concern for others' affairs.

Karl made his way over to your table and stole the chair from behind him, swinging it around and sitting on it backwards. "What'd I miss?"

"More like what did we miss? I see you had no success with selling that," Donna pointed to the shiny dagger he twirled around in his hand.

"No kidding, that chowderhead should've taken my offer when he had the chance. It even came with a sheath. Foolish boy. I lowered the price and he still got all huffy and up in my face, so I taught him a necessary lesson. But it's really his loss, considering I got this pretty little thing from him." From his coat pocket, he pulled out a chain and attached to it was a golden Romanian ring. "Reckon I can sell this for a decent price, don't you think so, Y/N?"

"How'd you get that from him?"

"Well, after my fist collided with his face, I snatched this necklace from around his neck right before he fell to the floor. Poor chap probably hasn't realized it's gone missing." Cracking his knuckles, Karl seemed all too pleased with himself. He much preferred the life of a merchant than a sailor or blacksmith. "Hey, you gonna drink that?"

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