The Women in the Mirror Part 3

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"No! Don't leave us just yet!" The redheaded girl had her arms hooked around the woman's taller waist and refused to let her go.

Cornered in the dungeon, Alcina laughed and untangled herself from Daniela's clingy hold. "I told you I have somewhere else to be. She is waiting for me."

Cassandra was amusing herself with a pair of shackles and twirling them around. "She's always waiting for you! C'mon, you have spent no time with us lately."

"And you didn't finish our last game," Bela added. The human Alcina was just as much their mother as their mutated one was. Although it was complicated to explain, Daniela often joked that this Alcina was like the mild version of salsa. They loved her.

As soon as Alcina got Daniela off her, she stuck to her again like a magnet. "How was I to finish a game when none of you informed me about it?"

Cassandra beamed. "That's the whole point! We were hiding! You were supposed to come searching for us."

Bela had this devilish grin on her face. "Which you didn't because you were far too busy stalking Jamie's niece. That's why."

Alcina huffed, craning her neck at her. "I wasn't stalking her! I was checking on her."

Cassandra snuck up from behind to poke her in the ribs. "Checking her out, you mean?"


Bela had her doubts. "Mhm. Sure. Well, at least I find her more interesting. A part of me was tempted to trip her during her dancing, but then I decided, "Hell, just enjoy the show." She's more entertaining than that last girl. The one kept pacing up and down the halls. It was so annoying."

"I had fun with her," Daniela remarked with a smirk. "I'd scare her by blowing on her ear or playing with her hair."

Cassandra giggled. "And not to mention she'd always be so weepy over everything. That girl cried enough to float a ship."

Alcina shot her a disapproving look. "Are you referring to Amanda? Perhaps she didn't appreciate being terrorized by all three of you."

Bela grimaced, folding her hands together. "Terrorized? Isn't that word a bit harsh? We were only playing with her. Just like how Mother is playing with Jamie's niece right now."

Alcina's grin died. Her fists shook with rage from picturing her alternate self interacting with you. "What do you mean?"

Gulping, Daniela finally let her go and offered her a hesitant explanation. "Mother told us she wished to meet her at some point."

She narrowed her eyes on the girls. "Is that why you all brought me down here? To distract me?"

"No, no!" Cassandra protested, shaking her head furiously. "We really didn't! We just wanted to be with you because you've been spending so much time with Y/N." She was as sincere as she could be. She and her sisters never meant to keep her from you. However, they admitted among themselves that they were jealous of you getting all of her attention.

The human aristocrat was close to snapping at them, but she controlled herself and remembered that they were only girls who craved the love and approval of their mother. Which meant they could not be blamed. She only nodded at them and then fled out of the dungeon, heading for the dance studio with only you in mind.

Meanwhile, you were being manhandled and dragged around the studio like you were Lady Dimitrescu's personal torture doll. You were positive she hadn't actually broken your wrist, but it was indeed sprained. Every time you'd let out a scream, she'd smother your face with her gloved hand. Not only did you feel it, you also smelled it. It had a strange scent of both red wine and dust. And whenever you made a break for the door, she'd haul you back to the mirror. She was playing games with you in the darkness.

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