The Stars in Her Eyes

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It was your Lady's idea to wake you in the middle of the night. She wished to show you something that she promised would amaze you. Ecstatic to be with her and to learn what the surprise was, you didn't think twice about following her.

She kept your eyes covered as she carefully guided you outside the castle. When her hands moved away, you saw a brass refractor telescope standing on the lawn. Near it, there was a quilt that was spread out.

Meticulously, she adjusted her optical telescope under the magnificent, starry sky while you reclined in the yard and twiddled with a blade of grass. There were few sights that would never fail to take your breath away: a glittering sky, a sunset, seashells, and not to mention a nine-foot-six woman. She was your most recent and favored sight.

"It's ready. Come, you can see the Andromeda constellation."

Eagerly, you got up and moved over by Alcina as she adjusted the scope to your height. "Now remind me of Andromeda again? She's that princess who was chained to a rock to be eaten by a monster, right?"

"Yes, she was to be sacrificed to a sea monster called Cetus."

"Oh, yes. Now I remember. Her mother compared her beauty to someone else. It seems ridiculous that her daughter had to pay for her mistake."

"I agree," Alcina noted. "Andromeda was nothing like her mother. Her heart was filled with compassion for her people. She was not self-serving like the queen and king."

"What happened next? I know she didn't die."

"Perseus saved her. He then married her and reigned by her side in Greece. I believe they had many children as well. Nine, I think. Seven sons and two daughters."

"Awww! What a sweet ending! I love that he went to the ends of the earth to slay monsters for her. Compassion, heroism, love. They deserved each other," you beamed as you peeked through the scope. What you saw was indeed nothing short of spectacular.

Alcina's focus remained on you as you gave you a sweet smile. "I couldn't agree more."

After using the telescope to view more constellations, which Alcina explained to you, the both of you rested on the quilt, staring up at the sparkling stars.

"You know what? I feel like someone took their large hand and scattered diamond dust across the sky. That's why it looks so incredible."

Alcina's eyes twinkled as she grinned to herself. "So, you are enjoying this?"

You turned on your side to face her and propped up your elbow. "Yes! Very much so! I could do this every night. Thank you for surprising me with this, M'Lady."

"Of course, and from now on, you may call me Alcina."

That sounded perfect to you. "Very well, Alcina." You plucked another blade of grass and started fidgeting with it.

"And if you wish to do this every night, we will."

Your lips parted as you felt joy bloom within you.  "Wait, really?"

Alcina scooted closer to you. "If you are delighted with this activity, then yes. I can make no promise that the skies will always look this way, but we can come out here as many times as you please."

The Love of Lady Dimitrescu X Female Reader || One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz