Mistrust (Conclusion)

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Her breaths were sharp and frantic as she charged back toward the door, intending to break it down. With Bela following close behind her mother, she was nearly in tears. She blamed herself for wanting to come out here, for being foolish enough trusting a total stranger and for not using better judgment. If something had happened to her sister, she knew she'd never forgive herself.

"Mother! Who was that? Was that Cass? Cassandra!"

"Help me open it!" Alcina threw herself against the door after twisting the handle. She started banging on it furiously with her fists, determined to tear this woman apart; she felt responsible, as she was the one who had agreed to this.

Bela dealt a swift kick to the door. "Cassandra! Are you in there? Open up! It's us!"

"I don't think it was her who shut this," Alcina finished with a final blow. "It had to be Hailey."

"I knew that damn crutch was just a distraction. I should've known right away! I'm stupid! Stupid! How the hell could I have allowed any of this?" Bela wailed, covering her face with her hands from shame and despondency.

Alcina took her daughter by the shoulders in a firm grip. "Bela! This isn't on you! Don't go to this place right now. We must find your sister."

"Who took her from the car? Did she flee on foot? Where is she?"

"We're going to find out. Let's go around the house and see if there's any other entrance."

Bela glanced at the door before stepping off the porch with her and hastening around to the west side. "But shouldn't we call the police first? They could break down the door and search the whole place!"

"The problem is that Cassandra or someone has both our phones, including your envelope of cash."

"Ah, God...I hope it's all with Cass. I know she'd call them straight away."

"We have no means of reaching your mother or anyone right now. We need to figure out where she went."

"The woods? She said she's been up here before, she might know of a few hiding spots? Maybe she ran to one of the other houses and got help?"

"That could be. Look!" Off in the near distance, a barn could be seen. Its state was similar to the farmhouse. "That's where we're searching first."

"She has to be hiding in there! Come on!" Bela was about to break into a mad dash until her mother yanked her back.

"Wait! We need to approach with caution and make as little noise as possible. We don't know how many people live out here."

With her eyebrows lowered, Bela froze. "You think there's a group of people waiting to ambush us in there?"

Narrowing her eyes, a thousand thoughts were firing off and bombarding Alcina's mind all at once. She feared something far worse awaited them. "That video of us tells me there's more than one person working with her. There could very well be a dozen individuals in there. Stay close to me, and if I tell you to run," she jangled the keys and tossed them to her daughter, "you run as fast as you can back to the car and lock yourself inside."

"Mother." Bela's eyes watered. "I don't want to leave you. Please don't make me do that."

"We are not leaving here without your sister. I shall find her."

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