(Epilogue)/Oh No, I Say When We're Done

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Third person POV:
August 30th, 2092, 04:14:
Somewhere within Quebec, Canada:

On the side of a mountain was a bunker door, with a large checkpoint right in front of it. The flag was not of the Anthro Army, but a new one they flew since last night. At the very front of the checkpoint was a canine and feline guard, both fully armored and male. A rustle from the bushes causes them to aim their guns, only to put them down as soon as they saw it was Alias Wolf.

As he walked towards them, the feline guard asked,

Male feline guard: "Sir, do you need an escort?"

Alias Wolf (puts his hand up in a stop motion): "That will not be necessary, carry on."

Male feline/canine guards (salutes): "Yes sir!"

Alias then walked past them and into the checkpoint. Each soldier and officer he past by immediately stopped what they were doing and saluted him, only for him to walk past them. After a couple minutes of tredging through the checkpoint, he was walking directly to the bunker door, where multiple security devices were set up.

There were turrets, cameras, and guards all around the door. As he got within a dozen feet from the door, every guard saluted him as the door began opening. He stepped in as he got close, the door closing behind him

Walking through hallways, passing through a few more Anthro soldiers, he found himself in front of a high tech door. He typed a pass code, had his eye scanned, and twisted the handle before the door began opening. Stepping through it, he walked deeper into the bunker as the door closed behind him.

Turning left, he walked through a hall with glass at various parts of the wall. Behind each one was a group of scientists working on projects. One on the right showed a group of three creating some kind of feline robot. Another on the left showed a group of four studying unknown symbols. After walking for some time, he turned right, seeing a door guarded by two guards and an automated turret.

The guards saluted as they saw him before the one closest to the keypad unlock the door. The door opened, showing a room lit up in white light. Stepping through the doorway, the door closed behind Alias, locking afterwards. He then looked at his left, seeing a male peacock with white feathers typing on a computer next to a large window. The peacock turned around and saluted Alias before asking,

Male peacock head scientist: "General, it's an honor to have you back, I assume you wish to know how progress on project Huntress is going?"

Alias Wolf (nods): "What's it like?"

Male peacock head scientist (motions to the glass): "Take a look."

Alias walked over to the window, seeing through it, being happy with the progress with his smile. The peacock stood by him as Alias asked,

Alias Wolf: "How soon can she be ready?"

Male peacock head scientist: "Considering our lack in intel on her power that our Master has created, I would say six months at the quickest."

Alias Wolf: "Will the first prototype be ready by then as well?"

Male peacock head scientist (nods): "Yes sir, and the second through eighth will be ready after a month when they are first deployed."

Alias Wolf (turns around): "Get it done."

The peacock only nodded as he continued looking through the glass, even after the door closed. He placed his hand on the glass before saying,

Male peacock head scientist: "Oh, you'll be perfect for after the war, I'm sure our leader and even Master won't mind if I take you afterwards."

A purplish aura then surrounded the glass, slightly cracking it. The peacock only looked at this in amazement before going back to his computer, typing the new progress.

(A/N: Yeah, I didn't really have much to type for the epilogue, but I wanted it here to inform you of the next one I will be making.

Also, shout out to everyone to you guys for reading my first book, I promise to improve upon the second one and avoid the bumble confusion this one brought.

Also, a quote that gives a hint towards the direction of a new character for the new book,

Paarthurnax: "What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?")

War for ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora