(Chapter 27)/Mechanical Adventures: Mineral Danger

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Helena's POV:
August 22nd, 2092, 06:00:
Alliance base of Texas:

*knock, knock, knock*


Huuuuuu, alright, who needs to talk to me at 6 in the morning. Groaning as I just woke up, I said loud enough for the person behind the door to hear,

Helena: "Give me a few minutes."

I then got up and started putting on casual clothing, mainly as I was just planning on talking to however was behind the door before actually changing. Once I finished, I walked to the door while brushing my bed-headed fur down with my hands. Once I was sure it was OK, I unlock my door before opening it, finding an engineer standing in the hall. Fuck, did Brian do something?

Looking at the engineer, I asked,

Helena: "Is there a problem?"

Male peacock engineer: "Yes, it involves Brian."

Helena (places her hand one her face while shaking her head): "What is it this time?"

Male peacock engineer (presents a note paper): "He's gone, along with his mining equipment, leaving only this."

Gone, what does he mean gone?! Taking the paper, I read,

Uh, yeah, I already know your probably wondering why I left. The human's reported an unidentified mineral in France, something never seen before. They only got a quick look before Reapers interrupted them. So, I decided to make my way over to France, which is why I was absent to last night's meeting. So yeah, I'm in France and should be back in about a day or two, assuming the Reapers don't get me, which I doubt.


Helena (about to snap): "Where did you find this and how long ago?"

Male peacock engineer: "Twenty minutes ago in Brian's workshop, on his mech."

???: "Colonel, we just received new orders from Alliance command, they want Alpha Team to assist in taking West Virginia."

Looking down the hall, I saw the head of communication walking down the halls to my door. He then stopped in his tracks, looking at me. I can't blame him; I was tearing the paper to shreds as I began wondering how the fuck I'm supposed to get Brian back. I looked at the coms officer and ordered,

Helena: "Have Alpha Team report to the command center in ten minutes."

As he nodded and walked away, I looked back at the engineer and said,

Helena: "You, your dismissed."

Without waiting for a response, I slammed the door before quickly dressing into my formal gear, about ready to strangle Brian the second I get my hands on him.

Zero's POV:
Time skip, brought to you by Steven 9:

Ok, Brian is a mechanical genius, but going into Reaper territory without so much as another to watch his back? He may as well be signing his death sentence for all I know. Helena was pissed off as she walked back and forth in front of us, which was understandable. Plus, the Alliance specifically requesting us during this time isn't helping either.

Chloe: "What are your orders ma'am?"

Helena: "Let me think..."

Yeah, the defeated look on her face told me she had nothing. Oh Brian, if I have to break orders to find you and your dead, I'll find some way to bring you back from the dead and kill you myself. Then, a familiar voice said behind me,

Darkness: "I may be of assistance."

Turning around, the Darkness was standing behind us, his height challenging even Chloe. I'm pretty sure he surprised us all as the guards in the room immediately raised their weapons after a moment of shock. Immediately, I heard Helena said,

War for ChangeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz