(Chapter 9)/The husk of Death

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Third Person POV:
One day after the destruction of Pico Cristóbal Colón:
Hawaiian Islands:

The day after Zero was revealed to be working 'for' the Anthro Army has caused tension within the remaining human armies. Surprisingly, only the human-supremist armies think Zero has betrayed them, and they make up 15% of the remaining human population. The rest have different thoughts, mainly compiled from the video Cerberus released showing Zero's alleged allegiance. Some believe the Anthro's may be forcing him to work for them, such as threats to kill POWs, or that they may have placed a bomb collar on him. Others believe that Zero is doing something with the A.A., but don't know what.

Only Rex, the generals apart of the Endgame, and the Shadow Legion actually knows what Zero is actually doing. After the video was released and statements were made, the Shadow Legion got to work and began spying on the remaining human population, seeing who could be a part of the Endgame and who will need to be disposed of.

Sophia Bologna was unsure of what to think. On one hand, she thought Zero has betrayed humanity and should be put down, on the other, however, she thought of the time they spent together and doesn't want to believe Zero is actually working with Anthro's for his own gain. Wanting answers, she's slowly has been working on a secret project that only she knows about. This project, she believed, was a way to rescue Zero from the Anthro's and get some answers.

Armistice Base:

Life at Armistice Base has frankly been slow ever since the destruction of a mountain range. Helena told Zero about what she and general Greymore were talking about, only for him to respond by telling her he wasn't surprised. Most of the Alpha Team had multiple different reactions after learning about the child soldier's humanity has been utilizing against their army.

Ruby was taking it the hardest, since her job involved saving and taking lives. She didn't want to believe that she has been killing children this whole time. To help combat these feelings of dredge, she's been assisting Hank and Diana with Mac. Nightmares have been common with her ever since the incident.

Mariana has been helping Ruby deal with her emotions after learning of the child soldiers, in reality, she was doing it to stop herself from doing something rash. She was just as upset as Ruby after learning of Mac and child soldiers. While she had an easier time finding ways to suppress the thoughts of possibly taking the lives of young, she still had problems with sleeping.

Chloe, on the outside, was emotionless as usual. Many believed she lost the ability to feel emotion and had no problem when she didn't give a response towards emotional situations. In reality, she's silently suffering from nightmares reawakened after years of fighting.

Rena didn't know what to think of humanity now. She believed humanity was nothing more than a disease needing to be cured, but ever since she learned of Mac, she's been trying to find new ways to blame humans, only for those reasons to shift to her kind.

Via and Douglas didn't have much care for humanity, and still don't, even after Mac. Douglas believed he still would've made the right decision from that day. Via, was completely surprised that humans needed to use child soldiers, but quickly thought that it was only a matter of time before that happened.

As for all the soldiers, officers, and others in non-combat positions in the base were in a neutral mood on the situation, generally. Some were still convinced that saving humanity was a waste of time, others, seeing Mac and having an idea of what he has went through, reconsidered if the war against humanity was a mistake.

Meanwhile, in a bunker:
Unknown location:

In a hidden location on Earth was a bunker, with staff, supplies, and materials being shuffled about here and there. Sitting in an altar-like room were high-elite Anthro's, and each of them in this room were either tank-grown or their offspring. Many were talking, and what they were talking about....

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