(Chapter 23)/Status: MIA

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Via's POV:
August 12th, 2092, 10:15:
Flying over Argentina:

Inside the pelican, we just got done clearing out another remnant of Cerberus's forces still in South America. Despite the no-fur's obvious use of our numbers for their gain, they are good at clearing out. In just two short days, this 'Alliance,' as they call it, had nearly taken full control of South America from both Cerberus and the Anthro Army.

Looking up at everyone, they were either engaged in conversation or doing something else. Looking over at the no-fur, he had his hands clasped together by his leaned forehead. After a few moments, he placed them down before grabbing his knife and looking at it. Is this some kind of ritual humans have?

Then, the Alpha com-link clicked before our Colonel said,

Helena (com): "Alpha Team, I heard about your mission, I'm glad you're all ok, however, your needed for another mission."

Chloe: "We're ready wherever you need us ma'am, what's our new objective?"

Helena (coms): "We've received recent Intel on a Anthro Army loyalists making a run for the border, they were last seen in Argentina, where you should be. Their leading officer is a priority capture, if you can capture the rest, do it, but they aren't as important as him, good luck Alpha Team."

Then, the line clicked, indicating that she cut it. Then, the speaker in the pelican clicked as well as the pilots voice rang through,

Pelican pilot (speaker): "I have the coordinates; we'll be there in five."

Laying my back to the wall, I looked back at Douglas, only to find him fast asleep, lazy bastard. Looking at Mariana, she was talking to Zero, who wasn't holding his knife anymore. Judging by their movement, they were having a...pleasant conversation? I wasn't known for reading people, except by how many corpses I can make.

I then waited for the few minutes until the pelican suddenly jerked and a muffled rocket  was heard missing us. Getting up with my shotgun ready, the ramp started lowering as the pilot shouted,

Pelican pilot: "I'm going to swing us around and give you the opening to jump right on top of them!"

As the ramp fully lowered, it spun around before lowering itself right to the tree line. I saw about three Anthro Army jeeps just a few dozen feet away, firing their turrets at us. Then, Chloe said,

Chloe: "Alpha Team, drop in."

Then, we all jumped out of the pelican, landing on a moving platform. Turning around, I saw who I assumed the target was, a big, fat piggy Anthro with a lot of medals. He practically started throwing people behind him as I barely hear him shout,

Male pig officer: "Stop them!"

As I raised my shotgun, I heard Chloe say,

Chloe: "Alpha 4 and 7, you're both with me on capturing the officer, the rest of you, take out security, move out!"

Then, I started running for the piggy, striking two guards with a well-placed ricochet. Then, Chloe got in front of me before firing at the snipers on the roof, killing all 4. Then, something to my left bumped into the platform, causing me to nearly fall to the ground. Looking left, I saw a hulking gorilla soldier with a massive rocket aimed at me.

Before I could raise my pistol however, Zero ran directly at the rocket wielder from my left. As the gorilla was turning, Zero was already punching him, delivering strikes that somehow forced the gorilla to his knees. He then took out one of his grenades before dislocating the gorillas jaw and pushing it in it. He took a few steps back before running up and dropkicking the gorilla back at the truck that crashed into the platform, the grenade going off and the truck crashing into the jungle but a moment later.

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