(Chapter 4)/New Base

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(A/N: Hey, just going to warn you that there will be mentions of gore and pretty violent actions in the beginning chapter, you've been warned)

Dream Realm:
Third Person POV:

What should've been a dreamless sleep for Zero woken up something within him that has never happened before. While his body may still be within the pelican, moving to the new base in South America, his soul was within a different plane of existence in and of itself. Speaking of which, Zero opens his eyes and is greeted by the sight of a dark blue sky. As he gets up in a sitting position and is shown on top of a destroyed M1 Abrams. As he looks around, he sees he is on a battlefield, littered with bodies of humans and Anthros alike. As he gets off the tank, he looks at himself and saw he was wearing nothing but underwear, making him ask himself,

Zero: "What kind of dream is this?"

Suddenly and violently, Zero is thrown by an invisible force onto a wall, the scene changing to a dark room with a light shining in the middle. As he stands up, he sees three faceless individuals in the light, one on the table was a human woman wearing a gown while tied to the table itself, struggling. The other two were male cat and dog Anthro's who wore doctor gowns, with the dog holding a syringe with a strange black liquid.

Just as the doctor was about to inject the woman, Zero is thrown again, this time on the ground as the scene changes to a forest, with the sound of slowed, distorted gunfire and explosions being heard. As Zero looks up, he sees another Zero, along with the rest of Alpha Team shooting at something behind. Confused at the sight, he looks behind him and sees multiple faceless humans, but they held the Cerberus flag on their shoulder patches. Some were running towards Zero, others were behind cover, and one was inside a gen 4 mech suit with a wrecking ball chain on its left arm and a Gatling gun on its right arm. Zero touched a bullet that was almost not even moving, his hand going through it without disrupting nor stopping it. He turned back to his other self and asked it,

Zero: "Are you the one showing me this, if so, are you messing with me or trying to tell me something?"

He was given no response nor reaction and the other Zero continued firing at the Cerberus soldiers. Zero tried tapping it's shoulder, but it went through the other like the bullet. Before he could do anything else, Zero is thrown yet again, but stops in mid-air as he is greeted by the sight of a giant black cloud shooting multiple black energy lines down towards a large city, with multiple people, Anthro and Human, running from it, and he sees himself yet again, this time firing a line of electricity from his hands at one of these lines.

Zero: "What the fuuuuuu!!!!"

Zero is thrown again, falling face-first into the ground.

Zero: "I'm getting real tired of this shit."

As he gets up, he is greeted by the sight of Rena, except her head is inside the hole that was in her stomach, half the helmet destroyed, showing the fear in her face. Zero jumped up and fell backwards, producing a *squish* noise. He turns around and sees the dead corpses of Ruby, Mariana, and Via, along with finding himself in their guts, covered in blood. He gets up and quickly scanned his surroundings, finding himself on an island, littered with the combined corpses of humans, Anthro's, and robots of various franchises, with every robot and few humans having the flag of Cerberus on them. He starts walking backwards as he asks,

Zero: "What even is this, why am I being shown this?"

He turns around and sees quite the sight. He finds Chloe, the seemingly invincible Spartan, dead with her head right next to Zero's foot, and her body by another Zero. The other Zero was being choked upwards in the air by a familiar man in a armored suit, next to him was a figure that was pure black, no features on him as he shoots a black line at the other Zero, who was slowly turning grey, screaming distortly in pain.

War for ChangeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang