(Chapter 20)/Beginning of the Endgame (Part 1)

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(A/N: Before we get started, there are some things that I wanted to say.

Firstly, chapters 20 and 21 will both happen at the same time, just at different places and perspectives. But they will ultimately end up together towards the end.

Secondly, there will be mentions of child kidnapping, gore and blood, so just in case, there's you're warning.

And finally, enjoy the sauce.

Now back to the story.)

Helena's POV:
August 7th, 2092, 10:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

Walking through the courtyard alongside Sophia Greymore, I was watching everyone do their own thing, whether that be training or getting to posts. Talking with Sophia helps calm my nerves, especially with what's been happening lately. Today was the day that the Darkness said the truth would be released, but how? And more importantly, what kind of truth, besides what Sophia told me?

Sophia Greymore: "Something on your mind?"

Helena: "Today's the day the Darkness is supposed to 'reveal the truth,' whatever that means."

Sophia Greymore (nods): "Humans can be unpredictable, especially since they've mastered this planet long before we even existed."

Looking around, I started noticing something, everyone was in small groups. Normally, I'd assume they would be talking about whatever, but the only sound produced by these groups were from a speaker. Listening, I could barely make out mumbling from one end and muffled screaming from another. I even saw one of the soldiers, a female jaguar, step back while holding her mouth.

Brian (distant): "Helena, Sophia, you need to see this!"

Looking forward, I saw Brian running to us, holding a tablet. As he got closer he forcibly grabbed my arm and pulled me to look at the tablet as he said,

Brian: "This...is to important for rank ma'am."

Looking at him curiously, I grabbed the tablet and looked at it, seeing... Spirit's. This, the current thing being shown was Anthro's, mindless by the look on their faces, devouring humans. These humans didn't even look like soldiers, they looked more like civilians. Wh-What am I even watching? How we won the continent?

The video then changed to a photo, and what I saw completely shocked me with disgust. It was a video of Anthro's dragging human children into a building, some were kicking and screaming while others were still. Is, is this our roots, what we're supposed to be proud of? This is a crime against morality and nature, it goes against everything I believe in.

The video then changed again as it showed a photo, and I had a hard time looking away. It showed multiple mutilated human corpses, along with organs and intestines being set ablaze. Off to the side was Anthro's, seeming as though they're celebrating. I don't even want to think on how many humans were in that mountain of corpses.

Anthro soldier (male #1): "What the fuck, is that my grampa?"

Anthro soldier (male #2): "Why the children, this is... beyond fucked."

Anthro officer (female #1): "Oh Spirits, I think I'm-*regurgitates*"

Anthro soldier (female #2): "What am I watching? Please tell me this is fake."

Then, the photo changed, showing near darkness as the large frame of a figure moved into what little light there was. Then, the voice of the Darkness spoke through the speaker,

Darkness (speaker): "Greetings Anthro civilization, you do not know me, but I am a human, a survivor from the initial attack on my kind. What you see before you is the truth about your kind's attack on mine that your political leaders attempted to cover up. Some of you may recognize your family members, other's will be disgusted by what you saw before you, while a few may have even enjoyed it. Whatever your opinion and observations may be, know this, your kind is responsible for the countless deaths of innocent humans who wanted no quarrel with any of you."

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