(Chapter 12)/Killer Tech

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Third Person POV:
July 4th, 2092, 04:00:
Hawaiian Islands, Cerberus bunker of Koloa:

The day was stormy over the Hawaiian Islands, which was strange considering the history of Hawaii. This was not a natural occurrence, inside the Cerberus bunker on the island of Koloa was a new machine they have made and began testing. This device has been given the name 'Gaia's Hand,' capable of manipulating weather patterns.

Many scientists were scrambling in that bunker, trying to figure out ways to fight against the Anthro Army. Some were testing weapons, others were creating torturing Anthro POWs, and some were doing...things lower than the lowest of moral acceptance of humanity considering the situation. In a room further within the base were three men, two were officers, while the other, sitting on a fancy chair drinking a liquor with one hand while holding a cigarette with the other, his face hidden in shadow with his blue eyes peering through.

While one was unrecognizable, the other two were none other than Commander Francis and the Illusive Man. A table separated the Illusive man from the other two, and by the looks of it, they were engaged in a serious conversation.

Francis: "...That's why I believe we should take the fight to them."

Illusive Man: "You make a very compelling case Francis, but as I mentioned before, we need to be smart about who is truly human compared to the peacemakers. Apex, have you need to discuss anything with me."

The other officer, who remained in the shadows, leaned forward and showed itself to be a robot. Apex was an Artificial Combat Personal Unit, or A.C.P.U, created by Cerberus to equalize the fight against the Anthro's Spartans. Apex was the very first model made and has proven to be the most lethal, testing-wise. 

It stood at 8' tall, could fly thanks to a propulsion system, and had the capability of using arm blades, shoulder-mounted heat-seeking missile launcher, and use multiple fighting styles and technics embedded into its programming and more weaponry for close combat. Its entire body is made of a combination of pure tungsten and graphene, along with many electrical components and the personality of the Illusive Man's best soldier who died two years ago.

 Its entire body is made of a combination of pure tungsten and graphene, along with many electrical components and the personality of the Illusive Man's best soldier who died two years ago

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(A/N: The eyes lids glow a bright red, made with Imagine.)

Apex: "It is about our lost facilities and conveys within last month, the Anthro's do not focus on just one of the human armies following telemetry data."

Francis: "That's because we have a traitor by the name of Zero."

Apex: "Zero...25...adopted son of Rex...only survivor of the Greenville Bunker massacre...status: AWOL."

The Illusive Man then pressed a button on the desk that activated a holographic version of the continent of South America. It showed 45 dots and lines of all their bases, facilities, and conveys. So far, a total of 3 conveys, 4 facilities, and 3 bases are marked in red instead of blue. the Illusive Man turned to them both and said,

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