(Chapter 26)/From International to Civil

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Via's POV:
August 19th, 2092, 05:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

As I was waiting with the rest of the team in the elevator, I was trying not to suffocate with all the luggage we had. There was so much shit in here that we all had to crowd together, hardly having any leg room. Looking up, there was one person that wasn't having the problem we were having. Zero was hanging upside down on the roof of the elevator, 'making room for us,' as he called it.

Eventually, the doors opened again, along with some of the luggage falling out. As some of the team left the elevator, I saw soldiers picking up our luggage before walking to the door that led to the pelican pad. Exiting the elevator, the no-fur landed next to me before stretching and saying,

Zero: "Hmh, that's enough Spiderman for a while."

Via (confused): "What are you even talking about."

Zero (walks forward): "Old human shit, let's go."

I scoffed at him before rolling my eyes, a no-fur has no authority over me. Walking to the door, I started walking up the staircase to the pelican pad before stepping on it. Looking around, most of the team was already on the pelican, with Zero standing next to Rex, by the pelican. Walking by them, I placed myself on my seat, finding the commander and the doctor already in here.

Brian (distant): "Wait, I can't just leave Angel in the hands of these brainless Apes, I need to be flying that helicopter."

Looking out the door, I saw Helena practically drag Brian to the pelican before throwing him in. She gave a slight sigh before saying,

Helena: "Angel and all your equipment will be at our new base Brian, you need to worry less about it."

Begrudgingly, Brian sat down at his seat, displeased he couldn't be with his murder machine. Eventually, Zero also entered the pelican before sitting down, all that was left was Helena. She turned back to the people gathered before saluting them, to which they did as well. Shortly afterwards, she walked into the pelican before taking her seat in front of Chloe.

The pelican began hovering before the ramp closed up as the pilot said,

Pelican pilot: "Get comfortable people, this is going to be a long flight back to the US."

After he said that, most of the people in here began to nod off. I was just about to as well when I decided I should at least know who's going to stay awake for now. Looking around, I saw Chloe, Helena, Bailey, and Zero planning on staying awake. Uh, at least I know that no-fur isn't going to be awake alone.

Closing my eyes, I began to drift into a dreamless sleep.

Third person POV:
Meanwhile, on the Hawaiian Islands:

The day began shining on the islands, but that was the only good thing about it. The human force that was here was down to its thousands, but each one knew that they were pure human, as they called themselves. Most of the other human faction's territory was reused and repurposed as factories and testing facilities for Cerberus.

The leaders of the other militaries that remained agreed to go under the banner of Cerberus a day after the ambush of Cerberus. Inside an underground bunker, Apex was fighting with a holographic version of Zero. This was its version of training, as it couldn't fight humans or other ACPU's for obvious reasons.

Eventually, Apex struck a blow at the Zero, causing it to fade away. Just as another Zero materialized and Apex got into a fighting stance, a nearby door opened. Apex turned left and saw Francis enter the room it was in. As Apex turned back to the holographic Zero, it said,

War for ChangeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon