(Chapter 15)/The Alaskan Deal

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Helena's POV:
July 13th, 2092, 06:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:


Waking up, I barely have any time to sit up from the couch in my office as the door to my room opens, revealing Sophia Greymore. I quickly stand at attention, only for her to raise her hand and ask,

Sophia Greymore: "It's too early for that dear, did I wake you up?"

Helena: "Well, you helped me get up, thirsty?"

Sophia Greymore: "Yeah."

She then walked over to my coffee machine by the window and started making coffee. For the past 5 days, Sophia has shown her value as a leader ever since coming to this base in person. While I may still technically lead, she's been giving me advice and showing me skills, I've never heard of before, as a thanks for letting her stay. Still, it's very strange that the Anthro Army has yet to contact us.

Now that I really think about it, command has stopped communicating with me ever since Greymore betrayed the Anthro government, could it mean something? I should probably make preparations in case of trouble, but for now, I shall enjoy a cup of coffee with this woman I aspire to.

Yet, as the coffee started to be made, she looked out the window, trying to avoid asking me something. She knows I am willing to help her however I can, right? I sighed as I got up and asked,

Helena: "Is something wrong?"

Sophia Greymore (looks down): "...I was just contacted by the President."

The President? So, does that mean he's with us or not? Whatever it may be, I asked her for clarification,

Helena: "What did he want?"

Sophia Greymore (turns around): "He's not as like-minded as most of the politicians are, if anything, he's the complete opposite. He just contacted me about a problem that only we can fix, and after hearing anything, I believe it's vital."

Helena: "What exactly do we need to fix?"

She then looked under the cupboard and grabbed two coffee mugs before answering,

Sophia Greymore: "It has something to do with the Alaska base closest to Russia, and potentially, Reapers."

Reapers? We had to deal with a Husk just a couple weeks ago, and that nearly took out the entire Alpha Team. Yet, I could see it in her eyes that she's telling us we're the only ones that can do it. I then walked around the desk and sat on my chair and asked,

Helena: "Is there anything more you can tell me? I want to help you, I really do, but unless it's truly important, I will not send the Alpha Team to certain death."

Sophia Greymore (nods): "Remember that mutant you reported to me? Turns out, the entire ocean in between the tips of Russia and Alaska went entirely frozen the day after the mutant was killed. Until now, there has been no word of trouble brewing from Reapers because of this, but now, the base itself went silent."

Shit, so does that mean Reapers took them by surprise? Wait, if that's the problem, why can't the Anthro Army send someone? As if reading my mind, Sophia Greymore said,

Sophia Greymore: "The President told me that the Army doesn't plan on checking it out. Apparently, according to him, they're preparing for a full scale assault. He's not sure where or why, but what I do know is that it'll take about a month before they actually do anything."

Helena: "And by that time, the Reaper's could be at the U.S. doorstep from Canada."

Sophia Greymore: "You can see why the President contacted me."

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