(Chapter 11)/A Change in Standing

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Third Person POV:
July 3rd, 2092, 07:00:
Virginia, Washington DC:

The morning of Virginia was pleasant, with warm air and the smell of lavender in the air around DC. A majority of the shops were opened, with many Anthro's of all races walking about. Just East of the Whitehouse, a military convoy was driving along the New York Avenue NE was heading toward the Whitehouse. The convey consisted of three vehicles, two Humvees with machine gun attachments were in front of and behind the third vehicle, a limousine.

Inside that limo, besides the driver, were a total of 5 people. Two of them were bodyguards, one in the passenger seat next to the driver and the other in the back with the rest of the passengers. In the back was Sophia Greymore, who was in a formal military suit common for generals when going to a diplomatic meeting. The other two were non-other than her mother and father. Her father was a cheetah Anthro wearing an incredibly formal business suit while her mother, a black dragon Anthro, was wearing a suit similar to Sophia.

As they were being driven to the White House, Sophia was overlooking the city that they were at. She grew up in DC after being born twelve years after Gaia's Rage occurred. She was skilled in many areas of study and possessed an ability for leadership and combat. After she was an officer among the Anthro Army for some time, she was given the rank of General of the Army after Alias Wolf stepped down for reasons still unknown.

Greymore (dragon): "Daughter, we are speaking to you, it's important that we understand each other."

Sophia looked back at her parents and was already disinterested with what they had to say. After her decision to allow Zero a chance to end the war with humans and Anthro's at peace, many politicians within the Anthro government were displeased at best with this. Her parents were among the worst, stating that humans were monsters needing to be put down, but she had different opinions on humans, and not from her encounter with Zero. She had always wondered why humans and Anthro's were fighting in the first place, why genocide for the humans was happening at all.

She never always believed everything being taught to her about humans was true, especially since she never met her first human until she was three years in the army as an officer. She was always taught humans were monsters filled with rage and groundless ness, but the very first human she saw had only fear and sadness. She needed answers for the many questions forming in her head, and it didn't help that anytime she wanted to know more about humans in the past, she was always denied any information other than how to kill them best. Now, she was going to explain her actions to the many diplomats and politicians who believed she was overstepping her boundaries.

Sophia Greymore: "I have already heard both of you plenty of times, and you should know my answer after saying it so many times."

Greymore (cheetah): "This type of situation shouldn't be decided by a general alone, there's a reason we have a doctrine in the first place."

Sophia Greymore: "I find it very hard to believe that we made it in the first place."

Both parents were about to say something to their daughter, but the bodyguard sitting beside her said,

Anthro Bodyguard: "We're here."

The limousine then slowed to a halt as the bodyguard left the car, walked around to the other side, and opened the door for the Greymore family. Sophia narrowed her eyes at her mother and father before stepping out of the vehicle. As she stepped out, she looked around and saw a clear path with multiple Anthro guards pushing back other Anthro's from getting close. The majority of these Anthro's were reporters from major news companies, hoping to have questions answered but were being halted by the guards. Sophia's parents stepped out of the limousine after her and walked through the pathway, ignoring the cries from reporters. Sophia followed soon afterwards with the bodyguard following close behind her.

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