(Chapter 17)/An Unexplainable Sickness

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Helena's POV:
July 19th, 2092, 10:00:
Armistice Base, State of Amazonas:

Within Armistice Base, I was with Sophia Greymore and the rest of Alpha Team in a repurposed facility. The facility was used by only Zero at the moment, since this was the place where he would train with his extraordinary abilities. Speaking of which, he was attacking multiple targets at once with his lightning bolts. After finishing this set, he started stretching as I went to the mic and asked,

Helena: "How're you doing so far?"

Zero (looks back and gives a thumbs up) (com): "Good, no, great."

Helena: "Alright, we're going to try something more advanced now, you ready?"

Zero (com): "Ready as always."

As I started preparing the new set, I heard Via say behind me,

Via: "It's a mistake to allow a no-fur to train with these abilities that we have no knowledge about."

Ruby: "That's why we're having him train, so that we can have some knowledge we can't get anywhere else."

Douglas: "We should be looking for ways to restrain his power, not make it-"

Helena: "Alright, starting new set Zero."

The gate of the furthest door in the training room began to rise. As Zero raised his fists and got ready, targets started sliding into the room before going to random places. Then, Zero started approaching his first target. However, Zero only got five steps before slowing down to a stop. Is he doing something?

Sophia Greymore: "I thought he would attack the first target in close combat."

Helena (nods): "So did I. (activates mic) Zero, is everything ok?"

Zero started having trouble standing still, like he was getting dizzy. I'm ending this, I press the emergency shutdown button before turning to Ruby and saying,

Helena: "Ruby, get Zero off the-"


Just as I look back and see lightning sparks shoot out of Zero, I'm immediately grabbed and shoved behind a wall as the glass breaks from a lightning bolt. The sound of multiple bolts of lightning hitting metal goes off as I hear Zero grunting in pain. What the hell is going on? Seeing who grabbed me, Chloe was peeking the corner of the window, pulling her head back just before a lightning bolt went through the spot she was peeking.



A wave of blue light suddenly went through the window before hitting the wall and disappeared, the lightning bolts ending.


The silence was soon overcome by Ruby jumping through the window and running. Chloe soon followed her as well, leaving me to look through the window to see what's wrong. I saw Zero laying on the floor, but instead of being still, it looked as though he was struggling. I picked up my radio and ordered,

Helena: "Lesley, prepare the Alpha room for emergency, Zero's abilities neutralized him, and he needs medical attention."

Dr. Lesley (com): "Wha-...Understood, get him here now!"

I then went over to the door that led into the training room itself and rushed over to Zero. As I got closer, I saw Chloe trying to hold Zero still as Ruby was performing scans on his body, his helmet removed, showing his face and closed eyes with a struggling expression. Ruby's scanner then beeped before she looked at it, seeming dumbfounded as she looked back at Chloe and said,

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