(Chapter 30)/A Nuclear Start

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(A/N: This part is over 12k words long, so prepare for a long read.)

Douglas's POV:
August 31st, 2092, 09:00:
Flying over Washington D.C:

Uh, I hate politics, and now we're being shown off like an accessory for politicians. Why is Helena making us do this instead of fighting? Today was the day the Alliance made a government for the people of the US and South America. We were needed to act as security in case of an assassination attempt or sabotage.

Looking around the pelican, nearly everyone else was also annoyed, plus, no one besides Chloe wasn't wearing their helmets. Ruby was typing on her wrist pad, Mariana was talking to the no-fur, Rena was staring into the abyss, and Via was leaning back into her seat. Chloe was surprisingly alive in a sense, as she was actively watching without staring at the ramp.

Looking back at Mariana and the no-fur, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. Leaning back and raising my ears, I heard,

Mariana: "-and that was before I became a Spartan."

Zero: "Damn, anyone else in your family military or?"

Mariana: "No, it's just me, maybe my children could join if I'm lucky enough to get that far."

Zero (chuckles): "I'm sure there's someone out there just waiting for a Amazon Spartan that could shoot a fly from five hundred meters away with only iron sights."

Mariana: "Ha, hilarious, what about you?"

Zero: "Well, I don't know, I haven't really thought that far ahead until now. I'm more concerned about if it's even possible, considering my powers."

Looking at Zero, he was deep in thought, actually thinking about a wasted future. Tch, like I want him of all humans to have children, he probably wouldn't even be a good father. The pilot then said as the ramp was starting to open,

Pelican pilot: "Alright, we're here, try not to buy stocks right now, I heard they're most likely to fall immediately."

Taking a quick stretch, I grab my helmet from under my seat and put it on. Afterwards, I stand up before unlocking my weapons from the back of my seat, putting them away before turning around and standing at attention. After a full minute, Chloe walked past me, and I followed behind her. As we all stepped out, I noticed Helena just a few feet away with about a dozen politicians and no-fur generals in fancy clothes.

We all then stood side by side before giving a salute, Helena waving her hand before saying,

Helena: "At ease, glad you could make it Alpha Team, Commander Bailey will lead you all to your posts for our meeting."

After she said that, Commander Bailey walked down the steps of the Whitehouse that we were in front of, standing beside Helena. Commander Bailey then turned and saluted Helena, who turned and nodded with a smile before walking back up the steps. Commander Bailey then turned back to us and said,

Commander Bailey: "Alright, listen up, Alpha's 2-6, follow me and I'll lead you to each of your posts, Alpha's 1 and 7, you two will act as the chamber guards, follow the politicians and general's. Move out."

Great, not only will our kind start negotiating with no-furs, but our no-fur will be there as well. At least Chloe will be there with him, even if it's hardly good in the first place. As I began following behind Bailey, my sister stood by my right side and asked,

Via: "What kind of bullshit do you think they'll be negotiating?"

Douglas (shrugs): "I don't give a shit; all I know is that this is a mistake. Humans are supposed to be our sworn enemies."

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